Saturday, October 15, 2022
HomeAnimalsIf Someone Tells You Angels Don’t Exist, Proof Is In The Video

If Someone Tells You Angels Don’t Exist, Proof Is In The Video

Kenny, the Doberman’s story is one of immense courage in the face of unbelievable odds. Kenny was close to death but fought tirelessly every day until he made a miraculous recovery.

Image/Story Source Credit Bill FoundationDog via YouTiube Video

Kenny was paralysed in all four legs when a kennelgate fell on his neck. Two Hands Four Paws founder Leslie Gallagher brought Kenny in. He could not move and was unable to take care of himself. Some vets suggested Euthanasia, but Gallagher refused.

Image/Story Source Credit Bill FoundationDog via YouTiube Video

Leslie Gallagher had still hope. Kenny seemed like a fighter to her, so she believed that something was telling her. She was determined to give him a chance, so she and her staff worked tirelessly to make sure he recovered. But things got worse. After undergoing physical therapy, Kenny was diagnosed with cancerous tumors and had to have surgery.

Kenny contracted pneumonia while recovering from surgery. Kenny was tested to the limits by fate.


Source Credit: Image/Story Source Credit Bill FoundationDog via YouTiube Video

Kenny and Leslie didn’t give up even when the odds were against them. They worked hard to find Kenny the best medical care. After managing to raise $9,000 for his initial surgery costs, they managed to persuade Dr. Wayne Berry—a renowned neurologist—to agree to a second operation. Surprisingly, it was successful in slowly alleviating Kenny’s pain over time with physical therapy showing significant results afterward too.

Image/Story Source Credit Bill FoundationDog via YouTiube Video

Kenny underwent many massages and other treatments in the following months. Kenny was open to trying any type of treatment. Kenny’s legs gradually began to function again as he progressed slowly and steadily. He slowly regained control of his bladder and bowels.

Image/Story Source Credit Bill FoundationDog via YouTiube Video

Kenny surprised us all by running! He ran to his caregiver and gave him kisses. Kenny is now independent and loves to play with his other dogs and his caretakers. It’s amazing how far he’s come from where he started out. Kenny is our hero, and gives us hope that anything is possible.

Click the video below to watch Kenny’s amazing story of recovery:

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