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HomeBusinessHow to spot Instagram Spam and stop it from reaching you

How to spot Instagram Spam and stop it from reaching you

  • Many users are concerned about Instagram spam accounts and messages.
  • Spam messages are often used to sell you something or provide links to other websites.
  • Control your Instagram spam with privacy settings, blocking spammers and setting the app not to accept message requests. 

Many people find Instagram spam to be a problem. You may receive spam messages from Instagram all the time. InstagramYour inbox will be clogged with requests to buy stuff and visit websites. Good news: You can get back control over your Instagram account’s email inbox and reduce spam. 

How to recognize when you have been sent Instagram spam

Instagram spam is usually easy to spot because it’s likely something you didn’t expect and that you don’t really want. Most likely, these messages are intended to sell something, literally and figuratively. These are the signs you have been exposed to Instagram spam.

The message is trying sell you something

First, the majority of Instagram spam accounts are there to sell you something. You should not open any messages that offer to sell you something.

It will direct you to a website

Even if there isn’t a sales pitch, spam messages that contain a link or URL to external sites are likely to be spam. Accounts are used to drive traffic to websites. Some accounts can be explicit, unsecure or even adult. It’s generally a bad idea for anyone to tap an Instagram link from someone they don’t know. 

The profile of the account is low quality

Spammers must create lots of accounts and spend little time building their profiles. Spam accounts are often not as professional looking as accounts created by real people. They won’t have good quality profile pictures or photos that were taken from stock photo websites. There may be no bio or meaningful engagement. 

How to stop Instagram spam

These are some ways to reduce spam flooding your Instagram inbox or stop it altogether if you are tired of getting bombarded with spam.

Spam accounts should be blocked

Although this may seem like swatting fly flies one by one, it is possible to (and should) block spam account messages. While this won’t stop the flow of messages from other accounts it will prevent you from receiving more from each one. To stop spam accounts, simply open the message and tap on the account name at top. Tap the Account Details page to access. Block account. Select the option you want in the pop up window Block [the account name]Other accounts they might have or createNext, tap. Block.  

An account’s details page in Instagram

With just a few taps, you can easily block any Instagram account.

Dave Johnson

Your account can be made private

Your account can be made more difficult for spammers to find. Your account will be public by default and all Instagram users can see your posts. This makes it easy for spammers target you. You can also make your account public. If you do that, your account will be harder to find – only your approved followers will see your posts. However, it’s not an ideal solution as private accounts can still be found in Instagram search results. Spammers can also find your account and message you. 

Tap your account to make it private. Account iconTap the button at the bottom to open the Instagram app. Three-line menuAt the top of this page. Tap the pop up menu. SettingsThen, Privacy. Turn on Private accountBy tapping the button to its right, confirm your intent to do so in the pop-up by tapping Change to private.

Account settings page in Instagram for iOS

It will be more difficult for spammers find you if your account is made private.

Dave Johnson

Accept message requests not accepted

This is the best and most efficient solution. This approach has the downside that you won’t be able get messages from everyone, but it may be worth it if there are a lot spam messages. 

To activate this feature, tap on your Account iconTap the button at the bottom to open the Instagram app. Three-line menuAt the top of this page. Tap the pop up menu. SettingsThen, Privacy. Tap Messages. The Potential connectionsSection at the top of this page, tap Your Instagram followers. The Deliver your requestsSection tap Do not accept requests By tapping, confirm the change Change settings.

Account settings page in Instagram for iOS

Stop spammers at their source and stop accepting messages requests.

Dave Johnson



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