Monday, November 28, 2022
HomeBusinessHow to set your Twitter status

How to set your Twitter status

  • Twitter users can now access the Twitter Status feature.
  • Twitter Statuses are prewritten, short messages that inform followers about what you’re up to or how you feel.
  • If you have the ability to set a Twitter Status, when you write a Tweet, you will see an “Add status” button.

Over the last year, Twitter has introduced a number of new features — but some of them only get rolled out to certain users. We had first Twitter CircleThen, The Edit buttonWe now have Twitter Statuses.

You can add your Twitter Status to any tweet. It’s a short note telling your followers how it’s feeling or what’s happening. You have a wide range of options available, including “Watching soccer,” “Hot take” and “Gratitude”. Each option has its own Emoji.

Here are the steps to verify that you have access Twitter Statuses and how to set them up.

How to make a status on Twitter

This feature is not available to all users in Australia and the United States, and it only works in the Android mobile app.

1. You can open the TwitterStart composing a Tweet by opening the app

2. You’ll find a button at the top of your screen that will say “Twitter Statuses” if you have access. Add status. Tap it.

3. A list of pre-set status updates will be displayed. Scroll down the list to find the one that interests you.

The options that let Twitter users add a status update to their tweet, pictured in the Twitter iOS app.

To open the status update list, tap “Add status”.

Twitter; Insider

4. Once you have created a status, simply write your tweet as usual and send it.

Everyone who sees the tweet will see your status at the top. The status buttons can be tapped or clicked to open a Twitter Explore page which aggregates tweets that include the status or words used in it. 

Sometimes, new status options are added, most often during holidays. Keep an eye out.



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