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HomeSportsHow Malcolm Brogdon gives the Celtics a new dimension: Film breakdown

How Malcolm Brogdon gives the Celtics a new dimension: Film breakdown

I was terrified by Santorini, a Greek island.

That probably isn’t what you were expecting to read here. I promise that I will get to the pertinent stuff. Malcolm Brogdon’s preseason action.

If you’re wondering why I didn’t start training camp, the answer is that it was during the Celtics Drama surrounded them, it’s because I was honeymooning in Greece. Of all the spots we visited, Santorini’s beauty touched me the most, but it wasn’t the easiest place for me to relax. I had a severe fear of heights. Three days spent on the edge a cliff meant that I was constantly anxious. But, I was also filled with wonder at the incredible views of clear water, beautiful volcanoes, and a stunning sunset. Petrified is a great experience.

Is September the worst month to be a Celtics fan? It was pretty close. We chose our wedding date to allow us to travel earlier in the month. This is almost always a NBA dead time. My best friends and I had our weddings scheduled on the weekends following mine. This put us back a few weeks before the start of training camp. When we booked all of the flights and hotels, I didn’t know the Celtics would be dealing with a scandal at the same time as our vacation. I didn’t realize how much I had missed.

That’s why I needed to catch up on the Celtics’ exhibition performances by watching all of the games on Synergy Sports this week. If there’s one thing more magical than preseason basketball, it’s preseason basketball on a small computer screen when you know the outcome of all the games.



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