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HomeBusinessHouse Republicans Might Try to Restrict Ukraine's Aid

House Republicans Might Try to Restrict Ukraine’s Aid

  • Far-right Republicans support Ukraine aid being restricted. Some even advocate for its complete halt.
  • The GOP has a narrow House Majority, so some might try to make those plans a possibility.
  • Insider was told by one analyst that there is still strong bipartisan support for Ukraine’s aid.

There was confusion after a missile struck Poland last week. Initial reports that Russia was responsible were later discredited by Western officials who claimed it was an accident caused by the Ukrainian air defenses.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, a far-right Republican Representative, seized on the chaos and suggested that the Ukrainian leadership was trying embroil the US into a larger conflict.

“We must stop letting” [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelensky demand money & weapons from US taxpayers while he is trying to drag us into WW3. No more money to Ukraine. She tweeted, “It’s time for Ukraine to stop this war and demand peace.” 



When it was revealed that the Republican Party won a narrow majority of the House of Representatives, Greene, along with several Republican allies, outlined a plan to tighten audit the US aid to Ukraine.

While the measure does not result in the total withdrawal of Ukraine’s aid that Greene had called for in rallies, and other statements it could signal a more skeptical approach towards Ukraine’s cause. 

Since months, the campaign to reduce or limit American support for Ukraine’s fight against Russia’s invasion is gaining momentum.

Republicans have rallied around “America First” nationalism and said that the US shouldn’t get involved in another costly foreign conflict. This is in response to the wars of Iraq and Afghanistan. They have also cast doubt on Zelenskyy’s motives and promoted conspiracy theories about the conflict while urging the US government to put its focus on reducing the number of immigrants.

Donald Trump was a former PresidentThe US has been critical of Ukraine’s support for many years. 

Russia appears to be keen to provide support for the Republican far right, Spreading disinformation about the conflictIt was designed to appeal to US conspiracists.

Ukraine is still heavily dependent upon US aid. Since February’s Russian invasion, $60 billion has been spent on military aid and aid. Greene’s comments and those of other Americans have caused alarm in Kyiv.

On the eve the midterms, President Zelenskyy urged US lawmakers to not lose heart in supporting his country. 

“There have been these mixed messages that were in the US mass media, particularly from the Republican side … that we need to be more careful about supporting Ukraine – and maybe that at a certain point, the support could be reduced. This is a troubling signal to us.” CNN interviewed Zelenskyy that day.

Greene’s message appears to resonate with the Republican grassroots, half of whom said they favored cutting aid to Ukraine in a Survey conducted by Wall Street Journal, late last month.

This stance appears to have gained support from powerful members of the party like Rep. Kevin McCarthy who is running for House Speaker. McCarthy stated in October that Kyiv cannot “expect an empty check” if Republicans win the House during the midterms.

Gunner Ramer (political director, centrist Republican Accountability Project), told Insider that the House had a narrow Republican majority, which meant that Greene and other lawmakers would enjoy a large amount of influence.

“I have not seen any evidence that Kevin McCarthy would give in to Greene’s and other far-right Republican demands,” said he.

Others think that the new balance in Congress won’t significantly change Ukraine’s aid. Insider spoke with Whit Ayres, an experienced DC political consultant. He said that the majority of Americans and Congress still support Ukraine.

“They may be successful at putting conditions on any further aid regarding transparency and amount. Ayres made the observation about Greene and her associates that they are very unlikely to eliminate this aid.

“There is not enough support in America for Ukraine to fight off a brutal invasion from a dictatorial Russian leader,” said he.

To date, all Ukraine aid bills have received broad bipartisan support. Last Thursday Rep. Michael McCaul,The Republican, who is expected to lead the House Foreign Affairs Committee indicated that he would continue to support the effort. 

It is America First to support NATO and its allies. He also stated that it is ‘America First to help Ukraine so we don’t end-up there.” “What we are trying to do in Ukraine, is avoid global conflict.”

Hayes Brown An MSNBC columnist believes McCarthy is guiltyIt is possible that the Ukrainian government indicated a willingness to reduce aid to Ukraine as part of a plot to negotiate budget cuts and compromises in other spending areas with Democrats. 

Ayres warned House Republicans against Ukraine aid that pressing this issue could alienate moderate voters. They are concerned about core policy issues such as crime and the economy.

“No one put Republicans in charge of House to ban abortions or cut aid to Ukraine. Or launch an interminable series of investigations into Hunter Biden.He was referring to the controversial policies of the Republican far-right. He stated that the Republicans were in control of inflation, crime, and border security.



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