Wednesday, November 2, 2022
HomeBusinessHogan calls Migrant Busing a 'Terrible Idea,' Stunts to 'Get On TV'

Hogan calls Migrant Busing a ‘Terrible Idea,’ Stunts to ‘Get On TV’

  • Maryland Governor. Larry Hogan condemned southern governors who sent migrants to other States.
  • Hogan specifically targeted Florida Governor. Ron DeSantis, Texas Governor. Greg Abbott flew and bused migrants.
  • Hogan, potential 2024 contender, called on a “bipartisan shared sense solution” to the issue of immigration.

Maryland’s Republican Governor. Larry Hogan criticised Governors Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott and for their “terrible idea” of relocating southern migrants. 

Despite OppositionGovernors from Florida, Texas, and other states have flown and bused migrants into northern cities and states, including to Texas. New York City, Washington, DC?, and Martha’s VineyardMassachusetts 

Hogan claimed that “I thought it was wrong to basically bus people from the border in other states.” Speech last week at the “Politics & Eggs” event in Manchester, New Hampshire.

He spoke out about the need for a bipartisan, commonsense solution that secures border security and provides “a pathway to citizenship.” This suggested that migrants could be the solution. America’s labor crisisDoing jobs that Americans don’t want to do. 

Hogan stated, “I believe the federal government in that regard is failing but I thought it was an error to basically bus people from the border upto other states.” Hogan also said that some migrants that were dropped off in Washington DC had crossed into Maryland.

Hogan said that DeSantis was the one who inspired Hogan to fly migrants to the northern states. Abbott started busingThey will be available in April. 

“Gov. DeSantis was the only one who knew nothing about the issue. Abbott was doing this in Texas. Hogan claimed that he went to Texas and seized 50 people and sent them off to Martha’s Vineyard to make a publicity stunt.” It is a terrible idea. Let’s deal with the problem, not just get on TV. This is not a serious conversation or a solution. 

Maryland Governor Hogan will be done with his second term in January. He has stated that he would like to be “in a position” to run in the 2024 presidential election, should he so choose. InsiderPrevious reports. 



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