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HomeHealthHigh levels of PFAS 'Forever' Chemicals in School Uniforms for Kids

High levels of PFAS ‘Forever’ Chemicals in School Uniforms for Kids

By Sydney Murphy HealthDay Reporter

HealthDay Reporter

WEDNESDAY, September 21, 2022 (HealthDay News). Your children’s school clothes might look nice, but are they safe?

Perhaps not.

Researchers discovered high levels of per- and other dangerous chemicals. Polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS) in school uniforms sold across North America. These chemicals — which can build up in people and the environment over time — can be harmful to health. These chemicals are used extensively in textiles, industrial and consumer products.

The researchers tested a range of textiles for children and found fluorine in 65%. Fluorine concentrations were particularly high in school uniforms, especially those that are 100% cotton.

“What was surprising about this group of samples was the high detection frequency of PFAS in the garments required for children to wear,” said study co-author Graham Peaslee, a professor of physics at the University of Notre Dame. “Children are a vulnerable population when it comes to chemicals of concern, and nobody knows these textiles are being treated with PFAS and other toxic chemicals.

To make textiles more durable and stain-resistant, manufacturers use PFAS.

These chemicals are known as “forever chemical” and have been linked to increased health risks, including a decreased ability to fight off disease. immune system, Asthma, obesityPFAS may cause brain damage and behavioral problems. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regularly detect PFAS in blood from children aged 3-11 years old.

Researchers found that uniforms are required in 20% of American public schools. This puts millions of children at higher risk of being exposed to toxic chemicals. They can be inhaled, inhaled or inhaled from skin contact with PFAS-treated clothing.

The study examined 72 products purchased online in North America between 2020 and 2021. The investigators focused on products with labels that said they were resistant against water, stains, wind, or wrinkles.

The products included, among others, uniforms. They also tested outerwear like rainsuits or snowsuits.

Researchers concluded that further research is required to determine how chemical concentrations change over time.


“There is no consumer option to purchase clothing that can be washed instead of clothing that comes coated with chemicals to reduce stains,” Peaslee said. “We hope one of the outcomes of this work would be increased labeling of textiles to fully inform the purchaser of the chemicals used to treat the fabric prior to sale so consumers have the ability to pick garments that were not treated with chemicals for their children.”

According to a university news release, the items were checked for fluorine using particle induced gamma ray emission (PIGE spectroscopy). Peaslee’s lab previously used this method to detect PFAS within cosmetics, fast food packaging and face masks.

Although the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is working to declare forever chemicals as hazardous, it is nearly impossible to avoid them. The study reminds us that PFAS remain in the environment and are still being used in industrial and consumer products.

The study was conducted by scientists from Notre Dame University, Indiana University, University of Toronto, and the Green Science Policy Institute. Their findings were published Sept. 21. Environmental Science and Technology Letters.

For more information, click here

IPEN has more information on toxic chemicals such as PFAS.

SOURCE : University of Notre Dame press release, September 21, 2022

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