Sunday, October 30, 2022
HomeAnimalsHe's One Of The 275 Dogs Recovered From The Most Extensive Dogfighting...

He’s One Of The 275 Dogs Recovered From The Most Extensive Dogfighting Operation in SC

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General was assisted by the Humane Society of the United States with the seizing of 275 dogs in a dogfighting operation that had spread over multiple properties in the Columbia area of South Carolina. And this sweet little boy is just one looking for a second chance in life…

Dogs were found outdoors living in pens, on chains with barrels, or other shelters that provided them protection from the elements. Many dogs were very thin and didn’t have access to water or food outside in the hot and sunny weather. Rescuers saw dogs with severe scarring as well as open wounds and lacerations. A number of dogs found chained to trees or pinned to trees were considered critical. Although the work is not over, these dogs will never again be abused.

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