Tuesday, November 15, 2022
HomeAnimalsHeroic Moment: German Shepherd Tank Protects a Young Boy from Being Attacked...

Heroic Moment: German Shepherd Tank Protects a Young Boy from Being Attacked by His Neighbor’s Dog

After the neighbor’s dog got loose and charged at the small kid in Florida, a six-year-old boy is saved when his pet German shepherd rushes to defend him.

The horrifying incident happened on November 8, as the child was playing with Tank, his dog in South Florida, outside his home.


The boy’s father claimed that the neighbor’s dog broke loose and ran storming toward his son.

Tank, a one-year-old German shepherd, saw that Tank was in danger and quickly acted to save his best friend.



In a video, Tank pulls the youngster out of harm’s way and then stands over the boy to defend him before going up against the other dog. This is when Tank’s guarding instinct goes into overdrive.

While the father rushes on the scene to end the dog fight, the little boy goes to his mother crying. The neighbor’s dog ultimately returns home after both of the dogs’ charge, snarl, and bark at one another.




The boy’s father posted the video showing what a ‘good boy’ Tank is. He also shares that their second dog, a blue nose pitbull, was also on hand running out of their garage for backup but he said ‘Tank had it under control.’

‘Our son was fine and the other dog was taken back home by his owner,’ the father said. 



Tank was lauded by dog lovers worldwide for his heroisms after the viral video.

 ‘Get that German Shepherd a big dog bone, steak or anything, he wants he deserves a treat. Good boy!!,’ one person wrote.


Another person added:  ‘That’s one awesome dog! Thank goodness the child wasn’t hurt, terrifying moment for that mother! If you can’t control your dog, keep them on leash people!’


Source: Daily Mail

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