Friday, September 30, 2022
HomeAnimalsHero Police Dog Quantum Retires After 250-arrest Career

Hero Police Dog Quantum Retires After 250-arrest Career

Quantum was a six-year veteran of the police and made over 250 arrests. He also assisted in the capture of a number violent offenders in Nottinghamshire.

The national bravery medal was awarded to the German Shepherd, seven years old, after he was injured while trying to bring down a suspect using a machete.

He will now reside at PC Jennie Ellse as his dog handler.

The Nottinghamshire Police’s Ms. Ellse praised Quantum as an outstanding coworker.

“He is the only dog I have had in my service and he really has taught me everything I know about dog handling,” she said.

“He’s really everything you would want from a police dog – dependable, loyal, reliable and absolutely fearless.”

“He has never let me down and I really couldn’t have asked for a better wingman over the years.

“I am very sad to see him retire but I know the time is right for him.

“He recently suffered a shoulder injury after tracking a suspect over a considerable distance and went a bit lame.”

Quantum’s retirement was a difficult choice, but it was made in order to provide him the best quality of life possible in his final years.

Quantum was able to help detain a violent criminal from Nottingham train station in 2020. He had previously assaulted multiple officers.

“This was a dangerous and violent criminal who had already knocked a female officer unconscious,” said Ellse.

“He was determined to escape and me and Quantum were the last line of defence.

“The suspect armed himself with a plank of wood and hit Quantum around the head, which did faze him for a second, but he still managed to grab hold of him and detain him.

“I think that offender saw a female officer and a dog and thought he could get the better of us.

“Thanks to the incredible bravery Quantum showed that day he soon realized he’d made a mistake.

“To have your best mate behind you on your shoulder, watching your every move and being there when things go wrong and things turn nasty, which they have to me a number of times.

“He’s been my back up and he has never ever let me down and I will always be grateful to him for that.”



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