Wednesday, October 26, 2022
HomeScienceHere’s what happened to the Delaware-sized iceberg that broke off Antarctica

Here’s what happened to the Delaware-sized iceberg that broke off Antarctica

It was the rift watched ‘round the world.

After weeks of anticipation, a huge iceberg the size of Delaware was discovered in July 2017. Split from the Antarctic Peninsula (SN: 7/12/17). Satellite images reveal that the Southern Ocean eventually disintegrated the abandoned iceberg A68. Researchers now believe they know the forces that caused that final breakup.

Polar scientist Alex Huth of Princeton University and colleagues combined observations of the iceberg’s drift with simulations of ocean currents and wind stress. Iceberg A68a, which is the largest remnant of the original, was captured in a tug-of war of ocean currents and the The iceberg was probably torn apart by the strain of these opposing forcesThe team reports on October 19th Science Advances.

After A68’s separation from the Larsen C ice shelf, researchers had questions — such as what creatures live on the seafloor in the ice’s dark shadow (SN: 2/8/19). The iceberg is itself a mystery. It took some time to get moving., who remained in the area for around a year.SN: 7/23/18). Satellite images from December 2020 show that the berg was only two-thirds its original size.

Three photos of Iceberg A68a, the first on December 19 with the large "finger" section still attached to the main body. In the center image from December 21, two cracks from a "T" shape along the bottom third of the iceberg. The final image from December 22 shows the "finger" section breaking away from the main iceberg in several sections.
On December 19, 2020, a European Space Agency satellite spotted iceberg A68a with its slender “finger” still intact in the Southern Ocean. The rifts were found to have formed due to ocean current strain two days later. The iceberg was broken into smaller pieces by the next day and eventually fell apart. A. Huth et al/Science Advances 2022On December 19, 2020, a European Space Agency satellite spotted iceberg A68a with its slender “finger” still intact in the Southern Ocean. Two days later, the berg was covered in rifts that were believed to have been caused by ocean currents. By the next morning, the iceberg had broken down into smaller pieces and was eventually disintegrated. A. Huth et al/Science Advances 2022

New simulations show that A68a likely met its end. On December 20, 2020, the long, slender “finger” at one end of the iceberg drifted into a strong, fast-moving current. The current did not affect the rest of the ice. The tension caused the berg to rift, and the finger was sheared off. Within a few days it broke apart.

Shear stress is a previously unknown mechanism for large iceberg breakup, and isn’t represented in climate simulations, the team says. The Southern Ocean’s melting of huge bergs can provide freshwater sources for the ocean surface. This, in turn can have a huge impact on the ocean circulation as well as the global climate.



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