Tuesday, September 27, 2022
HomeAnimalsHe was motionless, waiting in desperate need of help.

He was motionless, waiting in desperate need of help.

“I saw a Dog lying down while I was driving! He was clearly in trouble, I thought! I came back… I came back, and he was just lying in the rain on the side of the highway in a puddle!”. said Fahrudin Caki Bravo.
“He was lying there and it was like he gave up, like he said, ‘I can’t take it anymore!

“I felt he was in pain and I said, – Can we make a deal? Don’t give up now! I’m here! You don’t bite me (because of the pain) and I’ll help you! Okay? “Said Fahrudin

Fahrudin took the dog to the vet. We will take X-rays to see what is broken. Internal injuries are a concern for the vet. bleeding.

Maddox is his name and he can have surgery. After further consultations with experts, the spine surgery will take place outside at a major clinic.

“MADDOX, He is on his way to the most important battle of his life so far! A surgeon is waiting for him and he’s going to try (spinal surgery) and he’s going to try to give Maddox a chance.”

He was so intelligent and gifted that he understood everything and knew where they were going together.

Maddox is his name and he can have surgery. After further consultations with experts, the spine surgery will take place outside at a major clinic.

“MADDOX, He is on his way to the most important battle of his life so far! A surgeon is waiting for him and he’s going to try (spinal surgery) and he’s going to try to give Maddox a chance.”
He was so smart and good that he could see what was happening and where it was leading!

They quickly took Maddox to the prep area and into the operating suite. Maddox was successfully operated upon! He woke up and is now in bed. He is currently sleeping and resting.

Over the next 2-3 days, the first post-op test will be done to see if he has “deep pain”! If he responds to the “pinch with scissors” he will have a 50/50 chance of being able to walk with practice!

Maddox was also affected by a similar injury to his spinal chord. But his life won’t stop! We will ensure he gets a wheelchair.

6 days after operation! Prognosis for this operation is not encouraging. The vertebra was broken. The spinal cord became blue rather than gray. The vertebral injury was treated. No more pain. He doesn’t have any severe pain. His life expectancy is that he’ll be in a wheelchair for the rest of his days. But… miracles can happen!

They’ll do anything to achieve the impossible. They will do anything!

Maddox is 16 days later and is sweet, big, and healthy! At least for now. He was able stand on his feet! But that’s all for now. He wanted to return to his box after an hour.

Do not believe in miracles. However, miracles do happen! Because he is a fighter, the vet is positive that he will be able to walk.

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