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HomeBusinessGrocery stores use tricks to get customers to pay more

Grocery stores use tricks to get customers to pay more

  • Do you feel like your grocery bill has risen? But inflation may not be the sole reason. Store design could be a factor.
  • Shops encourage customers to spend more than they originally intended.
  • Customers will spend more when they see flashy store signs and the size of the carts.

Do you feel like your grocery bill has risen? But inflation may not be the sole reason. Store design is one reason. It encourages you to spend more than you intended. These are the top strategies experts recommend to help you buy more.

Signs advertising sales at the entrance

According to Edward Fox, professor of Marketing at SMU Cox School of Business, flashy sales signs can not only attract you in but also create positive pricing.

“People walk into the store to see key items at low price, which influences their perceptions.”
He said that the prices were indicative of the overall store’s pricing. This sets the tone for your shopping experience.

The back of the store has essentials

Are you looking for milk or eggs? You’ll have to walk to the back of the store for them – passing lots of other items along the way. Fox said that you can find more products by walking through the entire store, which can help you buy more stuff.

grocery store aisle with milk at the end

When they need to buy essentials such as milk or eggs, customers often have to walk to their backs.

Rena Goldman

Large carts

A large cart can mean lots of space for more products, and it’s not an accident. Patrick Fisher, Interics Vice President of Retail Strategy, said that large carts can increase the size of the total tickets by around 20%. He was previously a consultant and retail industry analyst at Nielsen US and Lidl US.

Large, colorful sale signs

A large, brightly colored sale sign is a great way to grab attention to a product. They grab customers’ attention regardless of whether or not there is a sale. Fox stated that people who are more inclined to purchase items on sale will spend more on products, which is a benefit for the retailer.

Endcap display on a supermarket aisle

Endcap displays are intended to be attractive to shoppers and get them to spend more than they planned.

Rena Goldman

Eye level: More expensive brands

Dustin York, a professor at Maryville University, said that convenience is key to customers. He added that 60 percent of the items he chooses to buy are marketed at eye level. York has extensive experience working with major corporations such as Nike and PepsiCo.

Eyewear stores will either carry the more expensive brands or store-label brands, which have a greater margin.

But deals are only available in multiples

These are not new. You have seen them before. Buy 5 and get 3 or 10 for 10. Fisher warns that “not all multivalues are created equal.” He said if the fine print includes a “must buy,” meaning you have to buy that amount to get the deal, it might not be worth it – especially if you don’t need that many items.

Exquisite endcap displays

Endcap displays with seasonal and sale items are intended to distract. Those are the displays shoppers pass as they  navigate the main aisles – and stores know this. These eye-catching displays often include complementary items next to each other that prompt you to buy more, said Angela Lee, professor of marketing at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

Snacks at checkout

Items stacked up at grocery store checkout counter

The supermarket checkout counters are designed to tempt customers into making last-minute purchases.

Rena Goldman

Many of us have at least once placed an item last-minute in our cart while we wait to pay. Fox claims that all the random items and snacks at the checkout counter are there to encourage customers.

Steep grocery discount on supermarket shelf

Stock levels are usually at eye level for store-label and pricier brands.

Rena Goldman

Unplanned purchases. Although they aren’t costly, it can add up quickly.

How to outsmart them

Although grocery stores might have tricks, they don’t force you to buy more. Experts agree that it is best to make a list of what you need, and to stick to it.

Do you not need a lot of stuff? Instead of buying a large cart, opt for a basket. Be sure to read all the fine print when you buy items on sale. It’s not a good deal if you need to purchase five items in order to receive a discount.

Keep your receipt. Return items that you don’t love or don’t conform to quality standards. Although most stores won’t tell you, a manager will explain that the store’s policy is to return items if customers aren’t satisfied. Make sure that you only try a small amount before returning the item.





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