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HomeNewsGREG UTFELD: Florida is the "opposite" of the system

GREG UTFELD: Florida is the “opposite” of the system

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Let’s do a monologue, shall we? Judge, does this disgust you? It is my hope.

As you all know, people have moved from the blue states to live in this country. AOC even visited her boyfriend to let him air his sour feet. These are some ugly things. The last time I saw such ugly toes, it was while watching “Jurassic Park”. For the most part, lefty leaders refuse to acknowledge that their garbage policies have caused people to flee the cops like Kat. Here’s Kathy Hochul, New York Governor.


GOV. KATHY HOCHUL Fighting for government reform that brings government back to the people instead of dictators. We’re here to tell you that Trump, Zeldin, and Molinaro are gone. You can hop on a bus to get to Florida. Okay? Move out of town. You don’t share our values. Get out of town. You’re not New Yorkers. 

We decided to follow her lead and we’re here. Let’s pray she didn’t follow our footsteps down here on the broomstick. It seems that a lot of people are following her advice, but not with regard to her eyebrows. This gives her that shocked look, similar to when you accidentally place your hand on a child’s toy. It was an error. Perhaps she was as shocked at the win as we were. They could become wings if their brows get any higher. She’s the epitome of what the Left thinks. 

All they see as a negative thing about Florida are things its citizens wear proudly, such as a Speedo, which is red, white, or blue. DeSantis, for example, ended COVID lockdowns, opened up schools and businesses, and places like New York responded, “You have blood on you hands, DeSatan.” We need to keep our children safe and use masks, double masks if Zoom is used and triple mask if Jeffrey Toobin calls.


Florida was pushing for in-school learning. San Francisco, on the other hand, was more focused on renaming schools Che Guevara Elementary School and Ho Chi Minh High. It sounds great. The results are: Florida’s children do well. But, students in other states struggle to add and subtract. They’re two grades below Florida. The average freshman reads at Joy Beyer levels.

I hired a Fort Lauderdale sixth grader to manage my estate. My estate consists mostly of Roseland Capital bronze coins. Biden saved my 401K. The lockdown children are so stupid that Bozo was this year’s most-popular boy’s name. That’s what you get if you have a system which believes in government more that the people it governs. 

Florida is quite the opposite. It is the epicenter of parental rights. You don’t have to be friends with drag queens. It’s not fair to have them teaching children how to twerk in preschool. I suggest waiting until it is appropriate for their age, like fifth grade, where liberal sex teachers teach them to place a condom onto a banana blindfolded. If you’re interested in having a say in your brat’s education, Florida is your place.

What about law and order? Your governor backed citizens who stood their ground against looters during Hurricane Irma. Who was that person? Someone had a coronary. Translation: shoot him if you got him. That is the only way that you can decrease looting. In other cities, theft has been redefined as redistribution. This is what most leftists believe.


You’ll also see this sign if you drive into Times Square in NYC. Yeah. Gun-free zone. But you can’t go through Times Square without being attacked by a Disney Character. Because of bail reform, Mickey Mouse can now be seen again on the streets before you can say Winnie the Pooh Pooh. Who is the sign for? Is it an armed criminal? This is not because New York’s average thug cannot read. He likely attended their public schools.

This is a perfect example in idiot liberalism. They make more laws to protect the law-abiding. However, they don’t realize that criminals can be defined by breaking laws. You don’t get a slap on your wrist in NYC if you are caught. Instead, you get a pat on your back and then you can be released. Heck, I have used handcuffs in my bedroom more than any NYPD officer this year. This is how it works. Hegseth likes it.

You may also notice that people who hate Florida say that the state’s map is like a penis. What’s the point? Manhattan is shaped as a turd. This is the one you’ll see outside Starbucks. This is called a venti. There are many beaches in Florida that are full of hot babes. Fortunately, the majority of them are women. A thong that looks more sexy than one with a banana hammock looks better. New York beaches can be described as a combination of a sushi restaurant and a needle exchange programme. Hepatitis C. is now a distant memory.

You can also find beautiful wildlife in Florida, from exotic birds to charming dolphins. New York has pigeons with rapsheets as well as fish with Adderall addictions. There are also rats with gang tattoos. Even they think about retiring here. You can’t blame them.



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