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HomeNewsGREG GUTFED: The recreational drug use in the US is akin to...

GREG GUTFED: The recreational drug use in the US is akin to Russian roulette

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Keep your tongue down. Happy Monday. I hope you had a great weekend. I certainly did. After clearing up any misunderstandings with the park police. Damn. When did restroom custodians start working undercover? 

It appears that Mexico is using footage of Philadelphian homeless people and open-air drug addicts in an ad campaign designed to discourage young people from taking drugs. This is what you can see. 


They don’t speak English. That’s right. It’s a third-world country mocking a failing Democrat-run municipality. It’s not fair. It’s our job. Some felt that this was a denigration of Philly’s image. I don’t get it. There is no better way to show brotherly love than when two men share a dirty needle. Pompeii is actually worse off than Philly. They had an excuse. Even though it’s been several thousand years. It’s a single volcano that erupts. They call it a day and don’t bother to build it up again. Pompeii, get a pair.

People objected to the degenerates and addicts being filmed without consent. Another problem. This is not only for my live studio audience. Yes, I was checking to see if you were awake. These scenes were filmed in public, unlike the videos Kilmeade shows from the YMCA locker room. He has a shampoo bottle that has a hole. It’s amazing.

It’s not easy to give consent while your pants are down and you’re trying to grab that last piece of crack off your butt like it was a gumball. You want the guy to sign a waiver. You will need a pair salad tongs in order to retrieve your pen. It’s obvious that fentanyl is mainly sourced from Mexico, which has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Overdose has been ranked as the most common cause of accidental deaths, after being on the Alec Baldwin Western set.


Mexico’s people are told to be different from their customers. It’s almost like Ronald McDonald telling Ronald Junior that he should stop eating Big Macs, or me telling him to watch this program. You could lose your mind from the sheer brilliance of this show. It is the best advice you could give. Don’t overdo it with your supply. This is the advice I get from corner drug dealers and hobby shops where I buy my glue. But it also says, “Keep away Philly.” Yeah, it’s sad. We have reached a point where we are now the travel hazard, not the other ******* countries.


FLIGHT ATTENDANT Oh, hello, folks. What can you do?

TRAVELER 1 We’re being spontaneous. We just want to go somewhere. What’s the next flight?

FLIGHT ATTENDANT We’ll see what we can do. It’s extremely last-minute. It seems like I have nothing left but Philadelphia and Fallujah.

TRAVELER 1 Do you know what? This is where I am at the middle.

TRAVELER 2 Same. Do you have any recommendations?

FLIGHT ATTENDANT They are basically the same. Although I do hear that Iraq is really lovely at this time of year.

TRAVELER 2 Fallujah, we are here.

FLIGHT ATTENDANTOkay. All right. Here are your tickets and here is your armor. Oh, I’m sorry. That’s Philadelphia. 

TRAVELER 1 It makes perfect sense. It makes perfect sense.

FLIGHT ATTENDANT Enjoy your flight.

We can all laugh at this. But which country has a better strategy? Mexico or us? Yesterday, New York saw a man arrested for possessing 20,000 fentanyl tablets, enough to kill many people. Or Hunter Biden will feel mild headaches. He was arrested for criminal possession and released on his own recognizance. He was released on his recognizance. What do they think he will do next? He can return to finance. Return to his squash lessons. Released on his own account. He was released on his own recognizance. He isn’t going to return for more drug supply.


But he isn’t just a drug dealer. He’s also a serial killer. We are responsible for making him necessary. People wouldn’t die from lethal substances on the streets if we lived in a society with safer options. We made low-grade addictive behaviors incompatible with being a working man. Except, of course, it was tobacco or alcohol. It was then booze and smoking to death. Kat still makes it to work several times per week, although it is far from perfect.

KAT TIMPF You still laugh at this?

We don’t do this with opiates. What do we do instead? We make the legal patient suffer and then let the illegal stuff flow. How does that sound? Gun control. Law abiding people are targeted and lawbreakers are allowed to go free. You know how it works.

Because they are willing to take the risk in environments where illegal substances are available, most of the victims are young people. 100 years ago, people drank from a bathtub. Sometimes they even died. You could also die if you tried to drink from your bathtub today. Since the first episode of Red Eye, I haven’t cleaned it. Morgan, it has some sentimental value. Fentanyl is the same. Ever wonder who is dying? I know a few. None were homeless. All had jobs. This is because recreational drug use has become more harmful than Russian Roulette due to our drug policy. Perhaps we should name it China Roulette, as it is yet another evil thing that comes from the Red Dragon. It’s frying brains and destroying people’s lives. Tik Tok is enough.

It’s not surprising that there’s very little data about who is dying. It almost seems like they are saying “Who cares?” What number of Philly zombies do you think are still around after you watch that video? Curiously there is no data about COVID deaths in this cohort. It’s possible that homelessness could be a more healthy lifestyle than we realize. Perhaps pooping outside in the open is a better way to get vitamin D. Haha, start.



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