Friday, October 14, 2022
HomeTechnologyGoogle will soon test Project Starline's video chat booths in real life

Google will soon test Project Starline’s video chat booths in real life

Google’s Chat rooms with sophisticated video technologyIt will soon be more than a clever design exercise. Ars Technica ReportsThe company will install Project Starline prototypes at some corporate partners’ offices later in the year for regular testing. Google will also be able to see the “magic windows”, beyond its on-campus demonstrations.

T-Mobile, Salesforce are among the program partners WeWork, among other things. Over 100 companies from healthcare, media, and retail participated in the demos.

Project Starline is essentially a bid for a natural-feeling, telepresence system. An array of cameras, infrared projectors and microphones create a 3D image. The spatial audio capture gives the impression that the voice is coming out of that digital persona’s mouth. The system uses head tracking and an 8K, 65-inch display that is completely transparent. This theory theoretically makes it easier to meet people than if you were staring at a monitor with a camera.

The question is, however, whether the early-access program will result in installations at your company’s boardroom or local store. Google hasn’t provided any information on the cost of Project Starline booths, but the technology is very expensive and takes up much space. Even though off-the shelf computers might be sufficient, smaller businesses may have difficulty justifying the expense. It is also not the best timing. Starline is a new company that will be able to offer remote and hybrid work. However, Starline is gaining popularity as more people feel comfortable with in-person interaction. We wouldn’t be surprised if the tech has a smaller audience than it did a year earlier.

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