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Georgia GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker denies bombshell report that he paid for a girlfriend’s abortion

Nominated Republican Senate candidate in Georgia Herschel Walker denies a claim that 13 years ago he paid for a girlfriend’s abortion.

The former college and professional football star stated that “It’s a flat-out lie” and added, “Now you know how important it is.” Fox News’s “Hannity”Monday night

Walker’s denial came a couple of hours after a report that Walker in 2009 urged an unnamed former girlfriend to get an abortion after she became pregnant while they were dating, and that he reimbursed her $700 for the procedure. The report from The Daily Beast cited interviews with woman who said she had a bank receipt showing Walker’s alleged payment, and a “get well” card that he reportedly sent her.

The report said the woman provided proof of her intimate relationship with Walker, and that they corroborated details in the woman’s story with a close friend who said she took care of her in days following the alleged abortion. Fox News has not confirmed the report.


GOP Senate nominee Herschel Walker speaks at a Black business leaders round table discussion, on Sept. 26, 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia. Alveda King, the niece of the late civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., is at the right.

Herschel Walker, the GOP Senate nominee, speaks during a Black business leaders roundtable discussion on September 26, 2022 in Atlanta. Alveda King is the niece of Martin Luther King Jr.
(Fox News)

Walker, who’s challenging first-term Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock in a race that’s one of a handful across the country that will likely determine if the GOP wins back the Senate majority in November’s midterm elections, stated on “Hannity”, that “this chair is very important.”

And he charged that “they’ll do anything to win the seat, lie, because they want to make it about everything else except for the true problems that we have in this country is, there’s inflation, the border wide open, crime, they don’t want to talk about that.”

Walker, who’s a vocal opponent of abortion and who supports a proposed 15-week federal ban against the procedure, said in a written statement on Monday night that he planned on Tuesday to sue The Daily Beast for defamation.


Soon after report, one of Walker’s adult children went on social media to criticize his father.

Christian Walker tweeted: “I know my mother and I would really appreciate my father Herschel Walker stopping lying and making a mockery out of us.” “You’re not a ‘family man’ when you left us to bang a bunch of women, threatened to kill us, and had us move over 6 times in 6 months running from your violence.”

“I don’t care about someone who has a bad past and takes accountability,” the younger Walker wrote in a second tweet. “But how DARE YOU LIE and act as though you’re some ‘moral, Christian, upright man.’ You’ve lived a life of DESTROYING other peoples lives. What dare you?

Christian Walker’s mother, Cindy Grossman, was married to Herschel Walker for nearly 20 years, and has described physical abuse she suffered at the hands of Walker. Pro-Democratic outside groups made TV advertisements that highlighted her memories of abuse and violence against Walker.

Minutes after Christian Walker’s tweets, Herschel Walker responded on Twitter that “I LOVE my son no matter what.”

Warnock reiterated his views on The Daily Beast to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution when he was asked about it. Abortion policy 

“I’ll let the pundits decide how they think it will impact the race,” Warnock said. “But I have been consistent in my view that a patient’s room is too narrow and cramped for space for a woman and the government. “My view has not changed.”

Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock of Georgia greets supporters as he arrives at a Korean senior center in Norcross, Georgia, on Sept. 27, 2022

Georgia Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock meets supporters at Norcross Senior Center in Norcross, Georgia on Sept. 27, 2022
(Fox News)

Republican groups rallied around Walker quickly and discounted The Daily Beast story.

Chris Hartline, spokesperson for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, stated in a statement that this story was a distraction from important issues such as high inflation and an influx of migrants at the frontier.

“Democrats are losing in Georgia and are on the verge of losing the majority, so they and their media allies are doing what they always do — attack Republicans with innuendo and lies,” Hartline argued. “Democrats and the media have tried to stir up nonsense about what has or hasn’t happened in Herschel Walker’s past because they want to distract from what’s happening in the present.”

And the Senate Leadership Fund, the top super PAC that’s aligned with longtime Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell, said nothing’s changed when it comes to its support of Walker. The group committed to spending $37 Million to run ads that support Walker and attack Warnock, Georgia.


“We are moving at full speed in Georgia. This election is about the future of the country — Herschel Walker will make things better, Raphael Warnock is making it worse. Steven Law, CEO Senate Leadership Fund, said that any other distraction is distracting.

Walker, who won a Heisman Trophy and helped steer the University of Georgia to a college football national championship four decades ago, jumped into the GOP race to face off against Warnock during the summer of 2021 after months of support and encouragement to run for the Senate by former President Donald Trump, his longtime friend. 

Walker’s legendary status in Georgia and his favorable reputation in the Peach State made him the overwhelming front-runner to the GOP Senate nomination. He also ignored the field of less-known primary competitors and declined to participate in debates while focusing his campaign on Warnock. 

Walker was able to defeat his rivals in May’s primary. However, Walker quickly became a target as the general elections began.

Warnock’s dramatically out raised Walker to date, and the senator’s re-election campaign and allied Democratic groupsTens of millions spent to target the GOP nominee for what they call his “False or bizarre statements” A TV ad by Warnock’s campaign that launched over the summer highlighted past comments by Walker saying that he had a “dry mist” that would “kill any COVID on your body.” 


Walker’s also took incoming fire over numerous reports that he overinflated the success of his businesses and academic record, and has been playing defense regarding a number of personal controversies — from the allegations of past abuse and threats against his first wife, to acknowledging children he fathered out of wedlock that he hadn’t previously publicly mentioned despite for decades criticizing absent fathers.

The race between Walker and Warnock remains close, with Walker having a lead of less than one point in the latest public opinion surveys.



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