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From mutant Namor to Killmonger: Hidden Easter eggs and references in ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’

Disclaimer: Spoiler for Black Panther: The Wakanda Forever


Wakanda Forever is full of Marvel references and Easter eggs. The Studios, following Chadwick Boseman’s untimely demise, chose a difficult path not to recast T’Challa, instead, the film is a tribute to the late actor and his grieving fans.

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The move’s plot is set a year after T’Challa’s death when every Wakandan is reeling from the impact of losing their King. Killmonger had destroyed Heart-Shaped Herb. Black PantherThe country doesn’t have anyone left to protect them.

Namor, the Sub-Mariner is the antagonist in the film. This is his first appearance on screen. He is one of the oldest Marvel Comics characters, and it wasn’t surprising that he has been reinvented as the ruler of the underwater kingdom of Talokan. You will find many Easter eggs around all of the major characters and events. Here they are.

Chadwick Boseman’s Intro

The Marvel Logo was used as a creative tool in each movie. It wasn’t surprising that the studio dedicated the Marvel intro to Boseman, as a way to pay a tribute to the actor who brought T’Challa to life. This isn’t the first time the Studio has gone of its way to pay its gratitude. In 2019, they did something similar with Captain Marvel after Stan Lee’s passing.

Prayer to Bast

The opening sequence shows a troubled Shuri praying to Bast, Wakanda’s Pather God. Bashenga, the first Black Panther to reach the heart-shaped herb, was led by her. Officially, she made her debut as the God (played in Akosia Sabet). Thor: Love and ThunderWhere she hides from Gorr the Godbutcher at Omnipotence Town.

Trevor Noah is Griot

Shuri’s artificial intelligence Griot was voiced by Trevor Noah, a role he played first in Black Panther. Griot, much like Jarvis is pushing Shuri to see things she’s been avoiding and informing her when her mom is coming, as well as helping her on dangerous missions.

T’Challa’s Weapons

While T’Challa’s funeral was a fitting tribute to Boseman and was flowing with emotions. Many fans didn’t realize that the weapons he used in his fight with Killmonger were right next to his coffin. It is a symbol that showcases T’Challa’s victories so far. He also created his helmet during this time. Captain America: Civil War Which Shuri is carried during the funeral

Lake Bell is a CIA Agent

Marvel’s Black Widow is the first to play this roleWhat if …?Bell finally made her MCU live-action debut. Bell is part of an CIA expedition team searching for vibranium in the ocean depths. She meets with a difficult fate and won’t be appearing in any more MCU movies. It must not follow a multiverse plot.

Vibranium Meteors

Wakanda Forever reveals that many vibranium meteorites hit the earth. Like Wakanda, one was found offshore South America, impacting the land similar to Wakanda’s. That’s how Talokanils are able to live underwater, after having consumed a version of the Heart Shaped herb. According to comics, Antarctica has a repository.

News Broadcast: Other Marvel Universes

Numerous news broadcasts run throughout the movie. Scott Lang publishing is one notable announcement that teases other universes. Pay Attention To The Little Guy(autobiography), as well as an unknown treaty being negotiated by New Asgard.

M’Baku’s Vegetarianism

M’Baku plays a crucial role in Wakanda Forever, especially in his relationship with Shuri. Marvel decided to make an inside joke about M’Baku’s entrance in order to have him be fitting. He is seen eating a carrot as he enters the Wakanda Council with his friends. It’s a reference to the movie before, in which he stated that his tribe is vegetarian.

Force Fields

The film has changed Wakandan holograms into force fields in order to portray the unprotected state of Wakandans. Oyoke signals for a team to break through the barrier. They use their signals to open it. The scene is also reminiscent of the first movie, where Oyoke says, “We are home.”

What is K’ukulkan?

Talokanils call Namor K’uk’ulkan (or Namor) and consider him a feathered snake god. K’uk’ulkan is actually a Mesoamerican deity, who has been featured in Marvel Comics previously. In 1948, Namor’s cousin, Namora, was introduced as a secondary villain to Black Panther. She also has tied to K’uk’ulkan in the comics, where she comes across God’s temple while it was being ransacked.

Stark Tech

When Shuri discovers Riri Williams’ Ironheart armour, she realises that Riri has been employing Stark tech to power her suit. This scene was also referenced in comics. Tony Stark was embarrased when the teenage girl reverse engineered his Iron Man tech.

Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine

Contessa, played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus in Wakanda forever, is first seen in The Falcon & the Winter Soldier Black Widow. She is in Nick Fury’s shoes following the End Game timeline. Although her role was a mystery, Wakanda forever reveals that she is Ross’ ex-wife and the new director at the CIA.

Namor is a Mutant

Tenoch Huerta who plays Namor revealed that his character was a mutant. This is the second official MCU introduction of a mutant. The first was Kamala Khan in Ms Marvel. This is possible due to Disney’s acquisition of Fox’s TV and film business in 2019.

Ironheart’s Funny References

When Riri and Shuri are kidnapped by Talokanil, she throws up funny references about their kidnappers giving ‘a change of clothes’ to their victims. This underhanded comment to Leia’s Huttslayer outfit, Marion Ravenwood from Indiana Jones, and Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Riri’s pop culture references are very similar to Spider-Man’s, who has been throwing out Star Wars Easter eggs sinceCaptain America Civil War.

Where was W’Kabi?

W’Kabi’s character, Daniel Kaluuya was busy while Wakanda Forever was being shot. So, the film’s writers smartly dropped his reference when a raging Ramonda reminds Okoye that she can visit her traitor husband whenever she wishes. But Romanda can’t visit her loved ones because they are dead, potentially Shuri as well, who was kidnapped by the Talokanil.

Nakia’s Absence and Wakanda’s Timeline in MCU

According to Nakia’s comment, she left Wakanda six years ago with King T’Challa’s aid. She fled Wakanda just before Thanos attacked it in the end. Avengers: Infinity War But when the Blip happened, many human beings, including T’Challa, were away for five years. The film’s final scene takes place shortly after his death, meaning that the film was shot in 2024, one year after his death.

Namor’s Speech

Namor, in his address to his people, insists that they won’t move again. This hint suggests that they are nomadic. It also refers to a map that was featured in Iron ManThey might have been stumbled upon at some point by 2 of the Atlantic Ocean.


Shuri meets Killmonger on the ancestral plane. Even after his death, he still pursues Shuri to follow his ideology of taking vengeance, showcasing that death hasn’t changed anything for him.

Shuri’s Arc

Like T’Challa’s arc in Captain America: Civil WarShuri undergoes a similar transformation. Although she longs for revenge, she finally decided to let Namor go. It’s also reminiscent of what Ramonda says, ‘Show them who you are,’ and Shuri is not someone who will kill in the name of revenge, proving she is worthy of being Black Panther.

Midnight Angels

Dora Milaje gets their suits in the comics. They are also featured in the movie. This is similar to Iron Man’s Iron Legion, however, the armours are designed using vibranium.

Imperius Rex

Namor says the word in his final battle against Shuri. The comics are able to pick up the phrase directly. It is translated into Empire King in Lain but the comics don’t give a precise translation. It’s a battle cry that’s supposed to sound good (and it does). When Thor did ask Namor in one of the comics, he snarled, “It means I’m going to feed your sorry Asgardian hide to the biggest sharks I can find.”

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