Friday, October 14, 2022
HomeSportsFrench Football Federation to check migrant workers’ conditions in Qatar

French Football Federation to check migrant workers’ conditions in Qatar

On Friday, the French Football Federation (FFF), announced that it would send a delegation in Qatar to examine the conditions of migrant workers. World Cup.

The delegation will be sent to the French national team’s base in Doha and the checks “aim to very that the hotel of the French team and its service providers respect their commitments regarding the social rights of employees”.

The statement can be viewed here: “At the end of August, the president of the FFF, Noel Le Graet, formalized the setting up of a mission to check the base camp of the French team in Qatar for the World Cup which will place there from November 20 to December 18.

“As announced, this mission aims to verify that the hotel of the French team and its service providers respect their commitments to respect the social rights of employees who will intervene on the base camp during the competition (payment of salary, overtime, decent housing conditions, rest days, end of Kafala…).



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