Tuesday, November 29, 2022
HomeAnimalsFormerly Blind Dog Is So Happy To See His Dad’s Face Again...

Formerly Blind Dog Is So Happy To See His Dad’s Face Again After Surgery

Bob, a small dog, lived in a mysterious place for a while. In both of Bob’s eyes, a minor case of cataracts ultimately got worse until he was completely blind.

Bob’s vision loss was a problem.


Bob’s veterinarian, Mércia Amaro said, “He became quieter, afraid of bumping into furniture. When he returned home, he couldn’t run and greet his owner. He loved to be welcomed home.

Bob was sad to see that his father’s visage was now only a distant memory. But that state wouldn’t last indefinitely.


Amaro is a veterinarian ophthalmologist that specializes in canine eyes. She was aware that, despite Bob’s seeming helplessness regarding his situation, cataract surgery could restore his vision. After consulting with Bob’s father, an appointment was made for surgery last week.

All was transformed at that point. Bob’s entire universe suddenly had its curtain lifted.


“Right after the operation, he already showed encouraging signs,” according to Amaro. “He kept looking up at us as if to say, ‘I can see! ’

Bob wanted to see his father, but there was one person in particular that he was keen to see. They met up again the following day.

Bob finally recognized the man whose visage he was missing for months. His spirit, which was waning, suddenly blossomed once again.

“He totally transformed,” Amaro said. “There was so much joy. It was very moving.”


Bob was previously a victim of hidden problems and his dimming vision. Now he is recovering at home.

Now, it’s a place of solace and affection his heart can once again properly blossom there.


Source: The Dodo



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