Tuesday, November 22, 2022
HomeScienceForever chemicals’ health risks are getting attention

Forever chemicals’ health risks are getting attention

Since decades scientists, public health officials, and citizens advocates have raised concerns about perfluoroalkyl- and polyfluoroalkyl compounds, also known as PFAS. These synthetic chemicals are used in making pans nonstick and clothing waterproof. They also make furniture and carpets resistant to staining.

All nice things, but these molecules are built on strong carbon-fluorine bonds that don’t degrade, hence the nickname “forever chemicals.” PFAS can end up in rivers, soil and air. They’re in our bodies too. That’s not so nice, because these chemicals can increase the risk of a host of health issues, including certain cancers, obesity, pregnancy complications and a weakened immune system.

Melba, a freelance journalist, explains in this issue why the U.S. Federal Government is finally taking steps to reduce PFAS exposure among humans.

Newsome was first exposed to PFAS by scientists at the Cape Fear River, North Carolina. “These scientists got some fancy piece of equipment and went to test it in the river,” she told me. “That’s when they discovered that [companies] had been dumping crap in our river for 40 years.”

This discovery was a major issue in North Carolina. Further research revealed that PFAS contamination of drinking waters, food, and air is widespread. “When I first started looking at this I said, ‘Why [are] PFAS in everything, for goodness sake?’ ” Newsome, a health and environment journalist, recalled. “It was like this miracle product. It’s even in makeup.” That startled me. Evidently, PFAS are used to waterproof mascara and make foundation last longer.

Newsome explained that Michael S. Regan, an administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, has given it greater attention. Newsome is from North Carolina. Drinking water levels containing PFAS have been substantially reduced by the agency, which is now considered safe. And in late August, the EPA proposed designating two specific types of PFAS — known as PFOA and PFOS — as hazardous substances, which would require companies to report releases into the environment above certain levels and would hold polluters accountable for cleaning up contamination.

Manufacturers have stopped using some PFAS, but because of their longevity, those chemicals will linger in peoples’ bodies for years. “Even if they ingested it 15 or 20 years ago,” Newsome said. Newer “GenX” alternatives are also raising health concerns.

The federal limits on PFAS contamination will help to reduce future exposures. But how can we protect ourselves against the chemicals already present? It will take some time to get rid of PFAS safely and clean up contaminated groundwater and soil. Also, it will take time for the municipal water systems and filters to adjust to remove chemicals.

Newsome asked me one more question: Should I pack my nonstick pan? “Yes, you do,” Newsome told me. “Cast iron is a much better piece of cookware anyway.” Maybe I won’t send those nonstick pans to the landfill, where the PFAS can leach into the groundwater. But I’m happy to dust off my cast iron skillet.



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