Thursday, October 27, 2022
HomeAnimalsFor 11 years, the Sick Dog walked the streets. One day, it...

For 11 years, the Sick Dog walked the streets. One day, it fell asleep on the porch of the woman who changed her life.

Solo is an old, infirm stray dog. She lived her entire life on the streets of Los Angeles. One day, she found a porch and settled down. Positive-info writes that her life has changed so much since then that she would envy any other dog.

When the owner of the house found this poor dog, she called it «Nightingale», which means «I came alone» in Spanish. No, she didn’t take it, she put it in a dog kennel, where the families took it from. But after a while, everyone returned it — Solo was too troubled and elderly. Carol stumbled upon Solo’s photo on the Internet and read her story. She decided to take it with her.

Carol was a fan of «Star Wars» and it amused her that the dog’s name is the same as Han Solo — one of the main characters of the classic. «She was very sad,» recalls Carol, » but I immediately realized that she would stay with me.»

When she first arrived at Carol’s house, Solo ate little and flinched constantly when someone tried to pet her. Solo was suffering from hearing and rotten teeth. Carol persevered with Solo’s problems.

She turned on the light before entering the room where Solo was so that she wouldn’t be afraid. She took care her teeth and loved her. Solo evolved into a totally different animal over time.

It was an interesting read, so please SHARE it with your family and friends!❤️

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