Sunday, October 23, 2022
HomeAnimalsFast-thinking Railway Worker Honored as Hero after Saving Dog from Train Tracks

Fast-thinking Railway Worker Honored as Hero after Saving Dog from Train Tracks

It’s always inspiring to see people go out of their way to save animals. Every day, people show courage and save lives.

This was recently the case when a railway station employee saved the life of a dog that was trapped on the tracks as a train approached.

TikTok user @getinthebarth shared the story. The video showed the dog walking aimlessly along the tracks of Leagrave railway station. A train appeared on the way. The dog was unable and unwilling to stand on its own.

Thanks to one employee, the dog is safe.

Newsweek reports that the man was 56-year old Paul Hawthorn from Luton in southeast England. He was a railway worker who offered his help.

The outlet reported that he was in the book hall when someone informed him that the Stattfordshire bull Terrier was on the tracks.

“I was thinking ‘What should I do?’ and then my training kicked in. I rang the signalman to caution the trains, getting them to slow down and ready to stop if necessary,” he told Newsweek.

He was able to quickly come up with a plan. He would lure the dog by giving him food. He went to the station’s coffee vendor and got some croissants, luring the dog to the edge of the platform, where he was able to lift the dog up.

TikTok’s user claimed that the dog had been abandoned. He said that many dogs are left at railway stations by their owners. Newsweek reports that the dog simply ran from home after his garage door was left open.

Hawthorn called it a “lovely dog,” and held it in the station’s mess room until it could be reunited with its owners.

The video was viewed over 5.6 millions times on TikTok. Hawthorn received praises for his heroic actions.

“For every evil person there is a kind-hearted one,” the uploader wrote. “[Heroes] like this man exist.”

What a great dog. We’re so glad this dog is safe and back home. Paul Hawthorn, for saving this dog from being run over by a train, is a huge thank you!

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