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HomeBusinessEx-WH Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows "Did not Serve" Trump

Ex-WH Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows “Did not Serve” Trump

  • Mike Pence, NBC News stated that he was disappointed in Mark Meadows’ tenure as ex-White House chief staff officer.
  • He stated that Meadows had influenced Trump’s opinion against White House coronavirus briefings.
  • In the aftermath of the pandemic, the ex-vice president felt that briefings had been a great help to the public.

Sunday, former Vice President Mike Pence stated that he was “disappointed” in Mark Meadows’ tenure at the White House. Pence claimed Meadows had not served the president well.

During an interviewPence stated on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he wasn’t thrilled with Meadows’ performance as a former North Carolina congressman who served in the White House between March 2020 and January 2021.

“The president has to trust his senior team. General John Kelly made sure that the Oval Office was only occupied by people who are credible when he became White House Chief of Staff. Pence stated that they ensure that the president is fully informed about what they’re going to discuss so that he’s able to make the best decisions.

“General Kelly established that order and, sadly, when Mick Mulvaney left, I believe he did his best as an interim chief-of-staff to bring it about,” he continued. “But Mark Meadows’ performance at chief of staff was disappointing, especially towards the end. When it became clear that he had pushed the president out White House coronavirus press conferences, I felt his tenure as chief-of-staff did not serve him well.

Meadows was White House chief of staff between March 2020 and January 2021. This was during the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic.

Meadows is now a key player in the House January 6th committee’s investigation. According to the House committee, he was part of Trump’s failed attempts to overturn the 2020 elections while serving in that role. Meadows was later convicted of criminal contempt of Congress after refusing to cooperate in the panel’s investigation. 

Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson later Witness testimonyShe stated that she had told the then-chief staff that she wanted to “snap it out” and pay more attention to the unfolding riot that day at the Capitol.

Chuck Todd was told by Pence that he thought the daily coronavirus updates in 2020 were beneficial for the public. But Meadows’s arrival in the administration caused a change in his feelings about the briefings.

“I have always believed that more information is better in an emergency situation. We began holding daily press briefings very quickly. He said that he believed they had served the country well.

“But after we had gone through the early difficult period with Covid, and the new chief-of-staff started his tenure as the chief of staff, the pressure began about a month into the pandemic to get away from the briefings.”



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