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Even Grandma was fooled by the dog’s adorable yet subtle way of revealing Mom’s pregnancy

Dogs are the best older siblings. They are kind and protective of their younger siblings, and can play with them with kindness. She was so thrilled to learn that one of her older dogs would become an elder sibling, she had to share the news with her grandparents.

@natashaa.jadee’s Bernese Mountain Dog, Mila, recently met her grandparents in a video uploaded to TikTok. Mila is a friendly and affectionate dog who greets everyone and gives them kisses. She also gets lots of pet requests. Mila is donning a headband that reads “Big Sis” throughout this exchange. Watch the video to see how Mila handled the announcement and her grandparents’ response.

@natashaa.jadee Mila telling nanny and poppy she’s going to be a big sister 🐶 #bigsister #pregnancyjourney #feb2023 ♬ original sound – Natasha Raethel

This is so cute! Mila was eager to share the news with her grandparents, but she was so excited to meet Mila that they didn’t even know it! Grandma and Mila’s mother hugged after she understood what the bandana represented.

In the comments, this announcement was well-received. “The way they love their doggy grandkid shows there’s no doubt they’ll be the best grandparents,” remarked one user, @erinnkohnn. @rottenweilermom thought Mila was too excited about the announcement. “The dog wouldn’t stay still at first for them to read it!”

This was a wonderful way to announce a pregnancy. Mila’s grandparents went from being thrilled to meet their grandpup to being excited about the pregnancy, and it was so sweet to watch! Mila will make the best big sister when her baby sibling is born.

Source: PetHelpful



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