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Epochal Detection of Alien Life is one of the Greatest Mysteries of Physics. (The Galaxy Report Weekend).


ESO Observatories Chile


This weekend’s stories include Why Ghost Particles Crashing Into Antarctica Could Change Astronomy Forever to What is the Shape of the Universe? You can find out more.

Why Ghost Particles Are Crashing Into Antarctica Could Revolutionize Astronomy–About 1.2 miles beneath Antarctica, an underground observatory is hunting for “ghost particles.” What it finds could reveal the unseen heart of a distant galaxy, reports CNET. “evidence of 79 “high-energy neutrino emissions” coming from around where NGC 1068 is located, opening the door for novel — and endlessly fascinating — types of physics. “Neutrino astronomy,” scientists call it. “

‘One of the greatest damn mysteries of physics’: We have performed the most accurate astronomical test of electromagnetic force on distant suns, according to Michael Murphy, Professor of Astrophysics, Swinburne University of Technology. Our theory of electromagnetism is arguably the best physical theory humans have ever made – but it has no answer for why electromagnetism is as strong as it is. The American physicist Richard Feynman, who helped come up with the theory, urged physicists to “put this number up on their wall and worry about it”.

We Tested Einstein’s Theory of Gravity on the Scale of the Universe, Kazuya Kolyama, Professor of Cosmology, University of Portsmouth, Levon Pogosian, Professor of Physics Simon Fraser University for The Conversation, reports. “Our new study, published in Nature Astronomy, has now tested Einstein’s theory on the largest of scales. Our approach may help to solve many of the greatest mysteries of cosmology. However, the results may suggest that general relativity’s theory might need to be tweaked at this scale.

NASA has a theory about why we might be alone in the universeAccording to David Axe, The Daily Beast Here are some clues from the history and present state of our species.

‘Overweight’ neutron star defies a black hole theory, say astronomers–“Gamma-ray burst from colliding stars unexpectedly gave way to day-long sight of hypermassive body,” reports The Guardian. “Such a massive neutron star with a long life expectancy is not normally thought to be possible,” said Dr Nuria Jordana-Mitjans, an astronomer at the University of Bath. “It is a mystery why this one was so long-lived.”

The New Hope of a Dream of Finding Alien Life–For Cornell’s Lisa Kaltenegger and her generation of exoplanet astronomers, decades of planning have set the stage for an epochal detection. Kaltenegger draws on the strange geology and geology of Earth to help her develop a more systematic expectation about what could be possible elsewhere. “I’m trying to do the fundamentals,”

Many Military U.F.O. Many U.F.O. Military Reports are just foreign spying or airborne trash–Forget space aliens or hypersonic technology; classified assessments show that many episodes have ordinary explanations, reports The New York Times.

Fighter Pilots Share Details of UFO Sightings at 15 Times the Speed Of SoundAccording to The EurAsian Times, The latest documentary based on the bizarre ‘Night of the UFOs’ features a chilling audio clip of a Brazilian fighter pilot who encountered one of the many UFOs that appeared over Brazil in May 1986.

What is the shape and function of the universe? asks Elizabeth Rayne for Live Science.–The universe may be vast, but researchers have multiple points of evidence that reveal its shape. “Physicists think the universe is flat. Several lines of evidence point to this flat universe: light left over from the Big Bang, the rate of expansion of the universe at different locations, and the way the universe “looks” from different angles, experts told Live Science.”

The Latest Dark Matter and Dark Energy Calculations are a Big Deal–We may now have the sharpest-ever measurements of the dark side of our universe. Here’s what that means for science.


Why the multiverse is the movie dream of our times:The most controversial quantum physics theories are rarely given airtime. CNN reports that movie theatres around the world have adopted the notion that multiple universes exist, and even infinite.

Dark-Matter-Free Galaxies: “We Have No Idea Why They Exist”  reports The Daily Galaxy. “The interesting thing is: we have no idea!” says Pieter van Dokkum, Sol Goldman Professor of Astronomy at Yale University, who wrote in an email to The Daily Galaxy about why ultra-diffuse galaxy DF2 contains no dark matter. “The existence of this galaxy shows that there is another pathway to creating galaxies than our standard picture, but what that might be is anyone’s guess.”

There are four ways to detect hints of alien life with the James Webb Space telescopeAccording to The Conversation, One way we may be able to is to spot signs of life in the composition of the planet’s atmosphere. We can use a technique called transmission spectroscopy – which divides up light by its wavelength – to search for traces of different gases in starlight as it passes through a planet’s atmosphere

This Nearby Dwarf Galaxy is a Loner since almost the entire age the UniverseUniverse Today,.

Black holes don’t always power gamma-ray burstsUniversity of Bath reports that new research has shown this. “Until now, space scientists have largely agreed that the ‘engine’ powering such energetic and short-lived bursts must always come from a newly formed black hole (a region of space-time where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from it). However, new research by an international team of astrophysicists is challenging this scientific orthodoxy.”

The breakthrough in non-living materials: Mimicking lifeAccording to Astrobiology, “Chemist Rienk Eelkema and his group try to mimic nature, specifically the chemical reactions in living cells that provide the fuel to control the cell. The toolbox of reactions that drive non-living materials in the same way is limited, Eelkema explains.”

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