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HomeBusinessElon Musk Declares that a 'Special Administrative Zone" is the Answer to...

Elon Musk Declares that a ‘Special Administrative Zone” is the Answer to Conflict between Taiwan and China

  • Elon Musk stated that the dispute between Taiwan and China can be solved by a “special administrative area.”
  • Musk stated that the zone could be more accommodating than Hong Kong.
  • Musk was criticised last week for suggesting that Ukraine should concede territory to Russia in order to end the war.

Elon Musk suggested it would be difficult for Taiwan and China to have a conflict, but recommended the island be designated a “special administration zones” that are similar to Hong Kong.

Taiwan claims it is an independent nation for many decades, but China insists Taiwan is part of China. We hope to restore control. 

“My recommendation . . . Musk stated that he would like to find a Taiwanese administrative area that is reasonable palatable. Published Friday. “And it’s possible and I think likely, in fact, they could have an arrangement which’s more lenient that Hong Kong.”

Hong Kong is an administrative special zone that manages its own political affairs, even though China has cracked Recent years have seen a decline in the number of people who live in this country.By adopting a national security law punishing citizens who disagree with Beijing.

Musk, One who does a lot with ChinaHe noted that Tesla’s Shanghai plant would be caught up in any conflict between Taiwan and the United States. However, he refused to comment on tensions growing between China and the US, according to the FT.

Musk also stated in the interview that China was upset at his decision to leave. Starlink satellite internet service from SpaceX was sentUkraine to assist the country in its conflict against Russia

Musk was the subject of much criticism Monday for Setting out a peacePlan for Ukraine, Russia, and which included Russia formally annexed Crimea.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Musk was mocked with a poll that read:“Which @elonmusk would you prefer more?” You can choose to support Russia or Ukraine.

With 79% of votes, the Ukraine option defeated Russia.



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