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Eerie Implications of Hawking Points “Corpses of Black Holes Before the Big Bang”.

"Hawking Points" --The Corpses of Black Holes from Before the Big Bang


“If space is truly infinite,” observes Dan HooperThe head of Theoretical Astrophysics Group at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is. The Edge of Time, “the implications are staggering. It would be difficult to imagine why there wouldn’t be infinite numbers of galaxies and stars and planets. There would also be infinite amounts of intelligent and conscious beings scattered across this infinite space. That is the thing about infinity: it takes things that are otherwise very unlikely and makes them all inevitable.”

Maybe, an Infinity of Big Bangs

Foreshadowing Hooper University of Oxford mathematician & physicist Sir Roger PenroseThe 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics winner for Physics, argued that extinct universes may be filled with ghost black hole that are hidden in the Cosmic Background map. These holes could have been hiding places that harbor alien civilizations that existed before the Big Bang. This was when the universe expanded rapidly and will continue expanding until it eventually decomposes. This restores uniformity, and sets the stage to the next Big Bang when a new universe will be created. Penrose’s ideas are the proof. Hawking Points: The bodies of black holes before the Big Bang. These dead black holes have outlived their respective universes and are now near the end of their lives, emitting radiation as they fade into the ground.

Weird World of Quantum Black Holes –May Confirm Stephen Hawking’s Hypothesis

Dan Hooper alludes to Einstein’s observation that the human scientific imagination is “a preview of coming attractions” with his description of Penrose’s daredevil speculative side conjecturing that any civilization we may discover by definition will be millions to billions of years older than Earth, perhaps existing encoded in photons.

Penrose’s “Hawking Points”

“So our Big Bang began with something which was the remote future of a previous aeon and there would have been similar black holes evaporating away, via Hawking evaporation, and they would produce these points in the sky, that I call Hawking Points.”” Penrose added about his hypothesis he coined “conformal cyclic cosmology“(CCC).

“New Evidence”

Reports for 2018 Physics World, Penrose released new evidence in support of CCC: “Rather than rings of near uniform temperature, he has instead identified patches within the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) that are much hotter than the surrounding region. These hot spots could be caused by the radiation (mainly electromagnetic), that was released during the Hawking evaporation supermassive black hole in the previous aeon.

“Penrose says that although originally very feeble, those emissions would have been concentrated in our own aeon into spots with huge amounts of energy that he and his colleagues call Hawking points. That concentration comes about, he explains, because “the universe loses track of how big it is at the transition between aeons. The Hawking points would then have stretched during the early universe, forming circular patches with a diameter on the sky about five times that of the Moon.”

“Fathomless Dark Creations of the Universe” –Sir Roger Penrose, the Man Who Proved Black Holes Exist

David Tong, physicist at Cambridge University, speaks out about the CMB  Quantum Fields: “We know in particular that for the first 380,000 years of the universe it was filled with a fireball. And we know this for sure because we’ve seen the fireball. In fact we’ve seen it , and we’ve taken a photograph of it. This is called the cosmic microwave background radiation, but a much better name for it is the “Fireball That Filled the Universe When It Was Much Younger.”

The universe is expanding. As it cools, over the next 10100 years the black holes in the night sky will glow.

In this 2020 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society paper the authors found that images of the CMB background radiation show evidence of black hole evaporation from a previous universe in accordance with Penrose’s theory. They used CMB data taken from the European Space Agency’s Planck satelliteFor hot spots of different sizes, they analyzed how fast the microwave temperature drops surrounding them as compared with spots in 1000 simulated CMB maps. They found that in and around small spots, not a single simulated map had higher temperature gradients than the real cosmos – with the temperature variations in the latter case being about an order of magnitude higher than the CMB average.

Night Sky: Black Holes will start to glow in the Night Sky

As described in the Penrose Instituteour universe is expanding and as it cools over the next googol (10100) years the black holes will start to glow in the night sky.” Although this ‘glow’ is extremely faint – a temperature much less than one ten millionth of a degree above absolute zero – it will last for perhaps a googol years, and when viewed from the next aeon these glowing black holes – Hawking Points – will be amongst the largest continuous energy sources in the CMB night sky. These points are difficult to see without computer analysis because they are faint and scattered over large areas by the early universe. A point once is now a disc five times larger than our moon’s diameter.

Penrose describes a universe without black holes, which will reflect the extreme compression of the universe at the Big Bang.

“Careful analysis of the night sky has found around 30 of these points in the cosmic microwave background map.” the Institute reports. “Five of these points coincide with previously discovered concentric circles in the CMB sky. One of these points is located at the observation window of BICEP 2, which allows us to observe coincidences with magnetic field patterns that CCC also predicted at Hawking Points.

A Universe Without Black Holes

“All black holes disintegrate theoretically leaving a universe of gravitons and photons that don’t experience space and time as we know it because they have no mass and travel at the speed of light. Penrose envisions a universe without black holes, which will reflect the extreme compression of the universe at the Big Bang. There are no such things as distance or time in that moment, but there is something even this violent outburst can’t obliterate.”

The Big Bang may not have been the beginning of our universe at all.”

What Penrose and his colleagues inferred from the CMB data were not actual remnants of the black holes that supposedly vanished billions and billions of years ago, but evidence of their existence and that universe’s past life, reports Physics World. Hawking radiation’s effects on cosmic radiation background frequencies have been left behind by eons of waste. It is possible to detect its existence, even though the original source has long since died.

“Powering the Universe?” –Relic Light of the Big Bang Reveals an Exotic Unknown Force 

“Roger Penrose has always been willing — if not happy — to hold views that lie well outside of the scientific mainstream,” commented Dan Hooper, in an email to The Daily Galaxy. “He did this in the 19060s when he — correctly — argued that massive stars would ultimately become black holes. He has recently expressed doubt about the traditional view that the universe’s very early years were characterized by an era filled with cosmic inflation. This was when space expanded exponentially. Instead, he speculates that the Big Bang may not have been the beginning of our universe at all.”

Other physicists, however, remain skeptical that the microwave background really does contain signs from a previous “aeon”. Standard cosmology indicates that the universe experienced an extremely brief, but intense expansion right after the Big Bang. This period of “inflation” would have ironed out any irregularities in the structure of the early universe, leading to the very uniform cosmos that we observe around us.

Douglas Scott reports from the University of British Columbia Physics World, says: “Obviously, if someone could show that some specific pattern on the microwave sky was a proof that the universe underwent a series of cycles then that would be spectacularly exciting, “But this paper falls very short of doing that.

The Daily Galaxy Jackie FahertyAstrophysicist, Senior Scientist AMNHvia Penrose InstituteAnd Physics World –New Evidence for Cyclic Universe. 



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