Tuesday, September 20, 2022
HomeAnimalsEast Valley Teacher Trains a Paw-some Classroom Assistant

East Valley Teacher Trains a Paw-some Classroom Assistant

Kevin Taylor is also a dog lover. East Valley Elementary School’s teacher of physical education has been teaching for more than twenty years. He was raised close to dogs, particularly chocolate Labs, and has had many litters.

He tried for many years to find a way to allow dogs in his classroom. He accomplished his goal last year. Jordan, a Labrador retriever one year old, was trained by him as a therapy dog to help his students.

Because of Jordan’s remarkably calm demeanor, Taylor claimed that she was the ideal canine for the task. The students have found her to be a reassuring, fun, and entertaining presence. And the new “staff member” has received positive feedback from both kids and employees.

Here are some queries and Taylor’s responses. For clarity’s sake, certain responses have been shortened.

How long have your been breeding chocolate Labs for?

We have three generations and she’s part of the line that I want to keep going. So, we’ve been breeding chocolate Labs for 18-plus years. People know me as a chocolate Lab breeding specialist. … Their temperament is what draws people to wanting to come get a Lab. This line is ideal for this kind of thing. They’re great people, dogs.

Is there a place where the idea for an In-School Dog came from?

It’s been a goal of mine, for about 10 years, trying to get an animal into the school. Russ Hill (our new) superintendent, started the conversation. I walked up to him and had that conversation with him, and the door wasn’t closed right away. It was something we talked about more and more. I did some research, found other contacts in the Valley, and began to speak with people about what they do. It became a reality in the Valley last year. She wasn’t even 1 year old yet by the time she entered this school. So, she’s being raised right along with these kids.

What was the training like?

We’re going to be continuing some training in October. It’s through the Acme Dog Training in Ahtanum (Union Gap). We put her through a 10-hour obedience training course last year. They don’t really go into the social-emotional aspect of training until the dog gets 1 year old. That’s why we’re continuing the course now.

What does a normal day look like?

In the morning, I meet the children and then go into school. Sometimes Jordan starts the class with me, sometimes she doesn’t, but this (Taylor’s office) is her comfort zone. She’ll come in here and lay down. Because I have to teach the children, I do my usual things in class. I can’t have them always distracted by her. But there’s times throughout the class period when the kids are playing that I do open the door. Strategically, she’s placed into class. She closes class every time I see her.

How has the reaction been from the children?

Jordan is a very open-hearted girl, she loves to hold her hand, to pet and to hug. But when she is out there when they’re playing, they do play. They know that they can’t just go and always be by her. There have been times, though, where a kid just kind of gets — you can just tell they just need a little break. Why don’t you just take a moment and go over and sit next to Jordan? Jordan is a child who has struggled and just needed to be calmed down. It was incredible. All of a sudden, Jordan was there to the rescue, thankfully, because I don’t think one of us adults could have calmed him as quickly.

Do you have any other notable moments?

Four children were particularly wary of her. Whatever experience they’ve had with animals, it was a negative one. When that happens, I don’t try to push back. All four of her students, who were all praising her at the end last year, began to come to her this morning. The student who was most afraid this year now comes to her in the morning. This has helped to build trust in dogs who are friendly.

These services are important for students.

To me it’s another way into a kid’s life. It’s another way to reach them. That’s not the only reason why they’re coming to school. My class is extremely popular because I am the PE teacher. But what I’ve seen with Jordan is another excitement. It’s something else to be excited about to be here at school. And I think that’s a huge reason.



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