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HomeBusinessDonald Trump Announces That He Will Run for President in 2024

Donald Trump Announces That He Will Run for President in 2024

  • Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he will run for President again in 2024.
  • Trump is making his third presidential bid. In 2016, he defeated Hillary Clinton. In 2020, he lost to Joe Biden.
  • Trump’s 2024 campaign will be held as he is facing escalating federal criminal investigations.

Donald Trump officially announced his resignation on Tuesday evening After the defeat in 2020, which he repeatedly denied, he is now running again for the presidency.

In 2016, the former president defeated Hillary Clinton to win his first term. Now-President Joe Biden defeated Trump in 2020. Trump repeatedly claimed, falsely, that the 2020 election was rigged. His stolen due to widespread voter fraud,Although claims failed in court repeatedly, they still contributed to the violent storming at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Trump’s announcement occurs two years before Election Day. He is also the first Republican to do so. Trump had just filed his official paperwork with The Federal Elections Commission — such a step would meet the legal requirements of his comeback campaign.

Trump is now the presumptive frontrunner in the Republican nomination race, with greater name recognition than any of his potential competitors and a larger war fund.

He will also be running in the 2024 race More federal and state criminal investigationsProsecutors are more interested in him than his potential adversaries, as they scrutinize everything, from his handling sensitive government records to the role he played in the January 6, 2021 insurrection. 

Donald and Melania Trump walk toward his Mar-a-Lago announcement on November 15, 2022.

Ex-President Donald Trump and Melania Trump arrive at his Mar-a-Lago estate, Palm Beach, Florida, on November 15, 2022 to announce his 2024 presidential candidacy.

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Trump is not like most former presidents who give the spotlight to a new group of successors after leaving office. Instead, he has attempted to keep control of his party apparatus and held rallies throughout the country. This fuelled expectations that Trump would run again. 

The’red waves’ that weren’t

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club in Florida was a mandatory campaign stop for Republican candidate seeking support and donations from Trump ahead of the 2022 elections. He also gave out many endorsements during the 2022 Midterm Cycle, playing the kingmaker in key races such as the battles for the Arizona and Ohio US Senate seats.

Republicans saw 2022’s midterm elections as an opportunity to regain power, particularly since Biden’s approval rating remained below the average in most public polling this past year. Conservatives tried to rally voters around issues such as inflation and record numbers of migrants at the US-Mexico frontier. Most political observers had long predicted that a GOP-fueled “red wave” would elect dozens of new members of Congress — flipping the House and potentially the Senate — based on the precedent of a new president’s first midterm election cycle being one where voters reject the commander-in-chief’s political party and opt for the opposing party.

However, the wave never materialized, as Democrats retained their Senate majority and control of the House currently remains up in the air, a development that has stunned Republicans — who had hoped to use the midterms as a clarion call for reclaiming the White House in 2024. The chances of Republicans regaining a majority in the House will be slim, which could pose challenges to Kevin McCarthy, the Minority Leader from California. McCarthy is a Trump ally and could run for the leadership of the chamber if they claim at least 218 seats.

Many of Trump’s endorsed candidates lost their general elections races. This includes GOP secretary of state nominees Mark Finchem (Arizon), Kristina Karamo (Michigan) and Jim Marchant (Nevada), all of whom supported the ex-president’s false claims about 2020.

MAGA supporters pose for photographs ahead of Trump announcement at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday

Supporters wait in anticipation of the arrival former President Donald Trump at an event held at his Mar-a-Lago resort, Palm Beach, Florida on November 15, 2022.

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Trump-backed candidates Adam Laxalt from Nevada, Blake Masters of Arizona and Mehmet Oz of Pennsylvania all lost the respective Senate races, effectively ending any chance of a Republican Senate majority in 2023. 

JD Vance, a Republican author, defeated Tim Ryan, Democrat, in the Ohio Senate Race. But not before the GOP was forced into pouring millions of dollars into this contest, diverting resources that could be used for other races.

The Georgia Senate race is on its way to A December 6 runoff electionOn Election Day, Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock, ex-NFL player Herschel Walker, was beaten by the Trump-backed GOP nominee. Just short50% is required to win. Given that many Republicans continue to blame Trump for his failures, it is not clear what role Trump will play in the second round. ParticipationIn last year’s final races, which featured then-Sens. Kelly Loeffler, and David Perdue were the party that lost both of their seats.

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan — a potential 2024 GOP presidential contender — on Sunday criticizedTrump’s influence on the 2022 elections, declaring that Trump had been a hindrance to the party’s efforts at electing more Republicans.

Hogan stated that it was Trump’s third consecutive election and that it has cost the race. “In a CNN interview, Hogan said, “I believe it’s basically the third election in succession that Donald Trump has cost the race. It’s like three strikes. You’re out.” “I’m tired losing. That’s all he has done.

Trump’s candidacy is highly unusual

Trump’s “will-he-won’t-he” dynamic has shaped Republican 2024, as potential allies and rising stars in the party waited for his decision.

Trump’s presidency was ended by partisan violence, and a Historic second impeachmentThe attack on the US Capitol, during which his supporters tried to stop verification of 2020 election results, led to the emergence of this.

Trump adviser Stephen Miller talks to MAGA supporters at Mar-a-Lago ahead of Trump's speech on November 15, 2022

Trump administration senior advisor Stephen Miller speaks with fellow supporters as they gather in the ballroom at former U.S. President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate where he says he will make a “special” announcement.

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Trump had insisted for months that Biden, the Democratic Party, had won the election. Congress was surrounded by thousands of pro-Trump riotersIt officially certified the Electoral College tally, naming Biden the winner. At In connection with the attack, at least seven people perishedOne pro-Trump demonstrator was also killed in the attack by a Capitol Police officer. Five Capitol Police officers were killed in the days following the attack. One was injured while fighting the mob and the other two died from suicide.

Trump was Impeached for first time in 2019 by the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives over According to some reports, he attempted to withhold aid for UkraineUnless the Senate leaders opened investigations into Biden and his family. These charges were eventually dropped by the Senate.

Trump’s goal is not supported by any precedents in US history.

Grover ClevelandPresident, of the National Democratic Party was the only one to serve two consecutive terms in the White House. He served in the White House from 1885-1889, as well as from 1893-1897. After his first term, Cleveland was defeated by Benjamin Harrison, a Republican. He made a comeback four years later.

Kayla Epstein, a former staff writer, contributed to this report.



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