Friday, October 21, 2022
HomeAnimalsDog found abandoned outside of a pet store tied to the cart...

Dog found abandoned outside of a pet store tied to the cart return

The pit bull was left outside a pet shop. He was left to his own devices after being tied to the cart return. The police arrived and took the dog to one of their dispatchers, who had long wanted a dog. The police told him they had a pitbull that he should look into, but it made him nervous. He decided to meet Sinatra and the rest is history. 🙂

Sinatra was actually just a gentle giant, and his new dad couldn’t believe someone got rid of him the way they did. They were perfect companions and best friends. After his 13th birthday, the dog became sick and died a few days later. But the memories they made live on, and Dad wouldn’t change anything about their time together for the world—It was perfect. <3

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