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HomeBusinessDeSantis' Migrant Relocation Is Similar to Family Separation

DeSantis’ Migrant Relocation Is Similar to Family Separation

  • Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis defends his decision to fly dozens more migrants from Texas and Martha’s Vineyard.
  • He suggested that the migrants who land in Massachusetts “hit the jackpot” over the weekend.
  • However, immigration experts claim that language is dangerous and dehumanizing. 

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Continues to praise his own political acumenAfter flying dozens upon dozens Migrants arriving from Texas to Martha’s VineyardBut immigration experts claim that the stunt was dehumanizing. The controversy revolves around the migrants and minimized the oft-harrowing journeys endured by asylum-seekers.

DeSantis faced the following week criticismAnd Thank youFlorida chartered two planes in order to fly approximately 50 undocumented migrants to San Antonio, Texas. The Massachusetts Island

The GOP lawmaker’s office later clarified that the move was part of Florida’s “relocation program to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary destinations” — This is the latest effort by GOP leadersTo highlight what they are called Crisis at the US Southern border.

Immigration advocates have uniformly rebuked the stunt, accusing DeSantis of prioritizing politics — and specifically, His goals for higher office — over the real lives of the VenezuelanColombian migrants are caught in the crossfire

Vicki Gaubeca from Southern Border Communities Coalition told Insider that “we all know this is pure political theater.” “Florida isn’t at the US-Mexico frontier, so the migrants were brought to Martha’s Vineyard on Floridians’ dime from Texas.”

DeSantis along with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott “chosen to expose their cruelty, add more suffering, and make the problem even worse.”

During a weekend speech at the Wisconsin Republican Rally DeSantis doubled the effortHe stated that the migrants he sent out to Martha’s Vineyard were “the jackpot to be in.” The most wealthy sanctuary jurisdictionAll over the globe.”

Although it is DeSantis’ well-chosen language, it doesn’t accurately reflect the reality of most migrants according to immigration experts.

“Migrants being moved under false pretenses away form their intended home communities with the families or friends willing to take them, to an Island with no immigration courts, ICE field offices, where migrants can check in, cannot hardly be considered ‘hitting a jackpot,'” Nicole Ramos (Al Otro Lado Border Rights Project Director), stated in a statement that Insider.

“It looks more a different colour of Separation of the family to me,” Ramos continued.

Martha’s Vineyard awarded the following to the migrants that arrived in Martha’s Vineyard last Wednesday: misleading brochuresAccording to the report, they promise cash assistance and job placement before landing on the island. Lawyers for Migrants. Some asylum seekers are also NPRThat a woman identified herself solely as “Perla”, They were promised work permits in BostonAfter arriving. 

Tuesday: The migrants DeSantis was the subject of a federal class-action lawsuitAccording to, the incident was fraudulent and premeditated. Illegal scheme.”

Migrants, Martha's Vineyard

Venezuelan migrants are seen outside St. Andrew’s Church, Edgartown, Massachusetts, U.S. September 14, 2020


Pedro Rios, director at the American Friends Service Committee’s US/Mexico Border Program, said that the governor’s constant rhetoric, including his “jackpot” remark, could have harmful long-term repercussions on migrants.

Rios said that he suggested that the migrants who flew to Martha’s Vineyard were a hit a “jackpot” and minimizes the horrors faced by migrants in their homelands and the dangers they’ve encountered on dangerous routes.

He said: “This dehumanizes them, which makes DeSantis’ followers more intolerant of people living in vulnerable situations and easier to deny migrants asylum seekers basic rights or protections.”

Many migrants Face danger, even deathOnly to be greeted with during their immigration journey Further animosity will develop once they reach the USRios said that it is possible to have Significant impacts on one’s mental health.

An asylum seeker was interviewed earlier this week Suicide at a New York City shelter for homeless peopleEric Adams, the Mayor of New York City, made this announcement on Monday. Adams spoke at a press conference, stating that while not much was known about the incident Adams indicated that Adams believed Adams had made the statement to highlight the traumatizing experiences many migrants go through.

Rios stated, “All state and local jurisdictions have the duty to receive migrants and asylum seekers with measures which uplift their dignity, and that prioritize their emotional and mental health and integrity.” 



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