Friday, September 23, 2022
HomeAnimalsDelivery Man Confused by Food He Carry Mysteriously Disappears

Delivery Man Confused by Food He Carry Mysteriously Disappears

Roseilson Melo delivered meals from a Brazilian restaurant recently. Melo wrapped the food and put it in a thermal bag before riding his motorcycle to the house.

After knocking on the customer’s door, however, an odd thing happened – the meal mysteriously vanished.

Brazilian media reported that Tharles Costa, the owner of the restaurant, said that the customer didn’t believe the food had disappeared. “The delivery guy arrived [back]We were left confused and unsure of what to do next. We decided that we would go to the location to request the video from the security camera. [and] that’s when we saw everything that happened.”

It was discovered that a clever thief was on the loose.

Unexpectedly, Melo also saw a dog from the neighborhood as he approached his home. The dog also witnessed a bag of food fall from Melo’s backpack as he turned his back.

It was too good to miss.

Now, she owns the meal.

After some initial confusion, Melo showed no animus toward the stealing dog. Even later, the two met for a more pleasant introduction.

The dog was simply applying standard dog reasoning, which holds that nice food on the ground is equivalent to tasty food on the home, even though she didn’t pay for the meal.

Source: The Dodo



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