Thursday, October 27, 2022
HomeAnimalsCop Throws 10 Ducklings in a Pond. They Get A New Mom...

Cop Throws 10 Ducklings in a Pond. They Get A New Mom Immediately

Animal Control officer Diane Desrosiers helped 10 ducklings who’d wandered onto a roadway in Southgate, Michigan, after losing their mom. She took them in a pet carrier until she came up with a plan. That’s when she got the idea to drive them to nearby South Winds Golf Club where a wild duck named Stella had recently given birth to nine ducklings of her own in one of the course’s ponds.

Pro golfer Chris Grandy filmed the moment the ducklings were dumped into the pond, and what happened next he described as “the most precious kind of thing I’ve ever witnessed.”

Stella quickly jumped to their aid as soon as the ducklings were in the water. Stella gathered the ducklings and took them home with her family. She adopted them immediately.

Isn’t it amazing? Stella’s maternal instinct kicked in, and now the 10 ducklings are back to living a normal life with a new mom. 🙂

“They lost their mom and now they got a new mom,” Chris Grandy told FOX 2 News. “It was the most precious kind of thing I’ve ever witnessed. It was such a motherly thing.”

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