Thursday, October 20, 2022
HomeBusinessCNN: Trump May Allow Federal Agents to Search Mar-a-Lago Again

CNN: Trump May Allow Federal Agents to Search Mar-a-Lago Again

  • Donald Trump could be changing his attitude towards the DOJ in light of its investigation into his handling records.
  • CNNIt was reported that Trump’s legal staff is looking into inviting federal agents to Mar-a-Lago.
  • Officials from the Justice Department believe that there are still missing records from Trump’s time as an officeholder.

Two months later FBI agents seized hundreds of sensitive government documentsThe former president, Donald Trump, is reportedly considering inviting federal investigators back into his South Florida residence at Mar-a-Lago. CNN.

As The case is dragging on in courtAccording to the outlet, Trump’s legal team is considering whether to send officials from Justice Department back to Mar-a-Lago for a supervised search to remove any documents that may still be there, according to Wednesday’s report.

The DOJ has previously stated that it believes Trump may still have some missing documentsTrump was accused of not fully complying with a May subpoena to retrieve his stache of records.

A repeat of the August raid — this time with Trump’s personal lawyers overseeing a search — is only one suggestion among many as the former president’s attorneys work to keep him from further legal trouble, according to CNN. The fact that this option exists is a sign that it is possible. A shift in Trump’s approach towards the probe

This was earlier in the month The New York TimesAccording to reports, Trump and his legal staff had decided to adopt a more combative attitude towards the Justice Department after it suggested that Trump might still be in possession of documents from when he was at the White House.

CNN reported Wednesday that the ex-president has been hinting at a more cooperative approach to the case in the hopes of completing the case quickly. 

An anonymous source familiar with the matter said that Trump World believes that Trump World is a lot of ado about little and should be gotten over as soon as possible. 

Trump associates said that Trump’s legal team is still trying determine how aggressive or accommodating they should be. Some Trump contacts disagree with the Justice Department’s assertion that Trump may still have government records.

Insider asked for comment from Trump representatives, but they didn’t immediately respond. 

Sources told CNN that Trump’s apparent shift of heart could have been due to the upcoming midterm elections and his own political future. 

Trump’s close friend said that Trump was “worn down”. Trump would benefit from “removing one thing from his plate”.



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