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CNN: Ivanka Trump says she ‘would never’ go back to being her father’s adviser

  • Donald Trump teases a second run for President, and his family is divided about the idea. CNN reported.
  • Ivanka Trump was once a senior advisor to her father during his presidency.
  • “(Ivanka] wouldn’t go back to that lifestyle,” said a source CNNThen she added that her father would not “serve her”

Ivanka Trump, a former senior adviser to Donald Trump’s father, has “done” Washington DC and her father’s political dealings, according to CNN Reporting.

As the Trump patriarch Teases another presidential campaignAccording to the outlet, his family is split over his political future.

Ivanka is disinterested in politics and has one source who was not named to protect their relationship with the Trump family. CNNIvanka is “done” Capitol politics “since she left” and does not intend to return.

Despite receiving several requests for endorsements, she was still able to accept them all. Controversial midterm electionsCNN sources claim that Ivanka has made no public statements or appearances during her father’s absence. Hit the campaign trail in support of GOP candidatesAll over the country 

“(Ivanka.) Would never go back to those life,” said a source who is familiar with her thinking. CNN. “She is aware that it would not be a good idea for her or her family.”

The The former president’s oldest daughterAnd her husband, Jared KushnerIvanka served as an unpaid senior advisor to Donald Trump. She had significant influence over his policies, despite having limited political experience. Ivanka was a runway fashion model and designer before she joined the White House. 

Kushner was a real estate mogul and was the publisher of The New York Observer for a decade before joining the Trump administration. Trump’s other children — Donald Jr. EricTiffany?, and Barron — did not hold official roles in the Trump White House, though Eric Don Jr.For the benefit of, we will continue to do business with you. The Trump OrganizationWhile their father was still in office. 

Tiffany Trump, Trump’s younger sister, is Get married this weekendTo her Michael Boulos, Michael Boulos’ boyfriend for five yearsHe is the son of a Nigerian family who owns a large distribution and trading business. 

Insider did not receive a response from a lawyer for Ivanka Donald immediately.



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