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HomeBusinessCheck out the Worst Things Trump Org Jurors Say About Trump

Check out the Worst Things Trump Org Jurors Say About Trump

  • For the Trump Organization’s tax fraud jury, 60 Manhattanites were interviewed. 
  • One person only had positive views about the former President; she was not part of the jury.
  • Others rejected jurors stated that Trump was a “scam artist” and has a “diagnostic personality disorder.”

They called him “racist”, “a liar” and “a scammer”. 

There were also Manhattan residents who came up with some creative ideas, such as a nurse at a hospital for cancer who said that she believes Mr. Trump is fundamentally guided and controlled by a diagnosisable personality disorder.

Here are the worst things said about Donald Trump during jury selection this week, in the 15th floor courtroom where the Trump Organization — the former president’s golf-resort and real-estate empire — is on trial for tax-fraud charges.

Three people who expressed dislike for Trump during jury selection, but who promised to be fair — One quarter of the jury is female — were seated.

These other Manhattan residents were not so tolerant. They were so negative about Trump that even the prosecutors agreed they should be forgiven.

“Everyday he perpetuates that ‘big lie,” said an Upper East Side woman who works as a school administrator in the city. She joked that she lives with “a lot” of cats.

“That’s the problem,” she said.

“So I have an opinion. That is my opinion. Would you like to learn more?

“Yeah,” stated a workman’s compensation lawyer who was one of Trump’s strongest critics.

“I hate him. He is a fraudster and a liar. He’s a threat to our society,” said he. His university is a fraud. His charity is a fraud. He doesn’t believe in the truth.

 A freelance contractor from Manhattan’s Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood promised, “I can be fair.” 

He continued, adding this, his tone conciliatory: “He’s small, but he’s not on trial.” 

When a defense lawyer asked this prospective juror to explain what was meant by “a small man,” the freelance contractor obliged:  “He is emotionally small.”

After telling a prospective juror that she had heard about the woman from advertising, one was kicked out.Hell is a place where there is no possibility of escape.“She could be impartial.

The winner of the award was however a potential juror who stated Tuesday that he could not sleep the night before after sitting in courtroom for the first day of jury selection.

He said that he’d experienced flashbacks over the night from Trump’s time as president. His voice was hollow. He was suffering from it. Literally, he was sick to his stomach.

“Your Honor, I have some strong emotions about Donald Trump that have turned into a very visceral feel in my stomach that I haven’t had in the last two years,” the middle-aged man said to the judge.

“It’s not a healthy thing to be here.” 

Juan Merchan, the State Supreme Court Justice, asked the defense and the prosecution if there were any objections to the man being released from prison. They did not. 

The judge replied, “Thanks, sir.” “You are now excused.”

Many reporters asked the man outside the courtroom if they wanted to ask him anything else. 

“No, I’m sorry,” said he, hurrying for the exit.

Monday’s opening statements will be made.






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