Monday, October 17, 2022
HomeSportsCanucks first impressions: The good, bad and ugly from Vancouver’s winless start

Canucks first impressions: The good, bad and ugly from Vancouver’s winless start

It hasn’t been the sharp start to the 2022-23 campaign that anyone around the Vancouver CanucksWas what you were hoping for.

If Edmonton opens night with two points was understandable, given the calibre of the opponent, the follow-up performance — a blown 2-0 lead against the lowly Philadelphia Flyers on Saturday afternoon — It was much more difficult to swallow.

Through two games, Vancouver’s special teams have been woeful. The club’s effort level has been inconsistent from period to period. The club’s best players, several of whom were actively critical of themselves and the club’s performance postgame on Saturday, have yet to be difference-makers. Bruce Boudreau, head coach, seems to be working on a crisis goatee for the early season.

First impressions are a powerful thing, that’s just human nature, but we need to be aware of the “halo effect” and its limitations, particularly when it comes to evaluating a hockey club. Two games is not enough to give us a complete picture of a team’s quality, so we should be cautious about placing too much faith in it.

So let’s dive into some items behind Vancouver’s 0-2-0 start. What’s been good, what’s been bad, and what’s just been ugly?

The good



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