Saturday, October 22, 2022
HomeAnimalsCamera Catches Hero Pit Bull Saving Her Friend From Drowning In Pool

Camera Catches Hero Pit Bull Saving Her Friend From Drowning In Pool

Having a friend who has your back can make all the difference in the world.

Just ask this little Chihuahua named Pulma.

The other day, Pulma was hanging out with his dog siblings at home in Brazil when one tiny mistake almost led to a huge disaster.

While sniffing around by his family’s pool, Pulma slipped and fell into the water. He paddled with his little paws the best he could, but it soon became clear that he wasn’t able to get out on his own. Pulma was at risk of drowning.

But then a hero emerged. It was Pulma’s pit bull pal, Athena.

Camera Catches Hero Pit Bull Saving Her Friend From Drowning In Pool

Athena had saved the day.

The dogs’ owners were at home at the time. They ran outside after they heard splashing, only to discover Athena had rescued Pulma already. At first, owner Janaina Leite was worried that Athena’s grip might be too strong as she moved Pulma from the pool, but after she released the pup, he emerged startled but unscathed.

“It was a big scare. [But] thanks to her, and God, Pulma was unharmed,” Leite told us. “Athena is very affectionate and protective of her siblings. She is very special.”

Athena’s loving and protective instinct had averted tragedy, but Leite plans to do more. Even though this was the first time one of the dogs had fallen into the pool, she still intends to take precautions to avoid another mishap.

“We are looking into putting some protection around the pool,” she said. “This certainly will not happen again. We love our fur babies.”

And as Athena’s actions prove, they very much love one another.



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