Saturday, October 29, 2022
HomeAnimalsCalifornia Young Bear Found Digging Through Trash With Severe Mange

California Young Bear Found Digging Through Trash With Severe Mange

Californians were concerned and alarmed when they saw the hairless creature digging in dumpsters. They called a local rescue organization.

According to The Humane Society of the United States, “When they showed up, they couldn’t believe their eyes: a young black bear… without fur. The bear was captured and then transferred to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. This in turn was contacted. [The Humane Society of the United States] affiliate, The Fund for Animals Wildlife Center.” (FFAWC)

The bear’s mange was discovered after they examined her. Mange is a skin condition that can be painful. It is caused by mites. Mange had spread throughout her body, leading to complete hair loss.

The bear was in desperate need of help and needed a place to rest. Two kind volunteers from California Department of Fish and Wildlife drove Eve, the bear, to FFAWC, on Christmas Eve. FFAWC provided the sanctuary and arrangements for the bear. Because Eve had severe mange, FFAWC had to rethink the bedding and materials that they used. They did not want to irritate Eve’s skin even more. They also had to keep mange at bay as it is contagious.

Eve was welcomed to FFAWC and given her own sanctuary. The volunteers loved Eve and she quickly won their hearts. Eve is on the right track to recovery. But it will take time. Staff believe she will make a complete recovery. FFAWC will release her into the wild once she has fully recovered.

The staff at FFAWC posted on her recovery, “Each day she explores her room and begins selecting items to shred and drag into her igloo to build a nest for the night. She’s quite diligent and it’s always interesting to see what she ends up with.”

She enjoys her space until then, when she will be released. She takes each apple back home in the video.

We are thankful to all volunteers who helped Eve save and rehabilitate.

Above is Eve’s video at FFAWC.

UPDATE: Eva is well and will spend the rest of her days in a sanctuary. In the video below, you can see her transformation back into a healthy and happy bear.



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