Tuesday, September 20, 2022
HomeBusinessBritish Airways allows passengers to livestream the Queen's funeral mid-flight

British Airways allows passengers to livestream the Queen’s funeral mid-flight

  • British Airways has suspended its WiFi charges in order to allow passengers to stream the Queen’s Funeral.
  • To “ensure quiet skies,” the airline also cancelled 100 Heathrow flights.
  • Heathrow was planning to show the funeral from screens all around the airport.

British Airways suspended WiFi charges to passengers so they could view Funeral for Queen Elizabeth IIWhile they were on the air Monday.

Insider was told by a representative of the airline that any passenger on any plane with WiFi would be able livestream the historic funeral from their devices.

According to BA, the cost of browsing or streaming on-board WiFi is usually between $6 and $14. website.

British Airways stated that it would observe two minutes silence across the UK at the funeral. Some flights may be rescheduled or cancelled to lessen noise during the day.

The spokesperson stated that “As a sign of respect for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2 on the Day of her State Funeral”, we have reduced our schedule to Heathrow and re-timed certain flights at Heathrow in order to ensure quiet skies at specific moments on Monday September 19.

Another statement was made by the airline The IndependentIt had cancelled 100 flights that were due to depart Heathrow on Monday.

A representative stated that 50 short-haul routes were available from HeathrowThe flights were rescheduled or cancelled, but long-haul routes weren’t affected. According to The Independent, approximately 15% of the airport’s schedule would be modified for Monday’s funeral.

Heathrow also stated on its website WebsiteIt would also screen the funeral in the airport, and observe the silence for two minutes.



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