Saturday, November 26, 2022
HomeBusinessBill Barr: DOJ Has Evidence to Indict Trump

Bill Barr: DOJ Has Evidence to Indict Trump

  • Former AG Bill Barr talked to PBS about DOJ’s investigation of documents seized from Mar-a-Lago.
  • Barr stated that he believes the Justice Department might have sufficient evidence to indict Donald Trump.
  • He declined to comment on whether he would have indicted Trump had he been still attorney general.

Bill Barr, the former Attorney General, stated that he believes there may be enough evidence for Donald Trump to indict him on charges related to his handling of sensitive White House documents.

Barr said that Trump was the subject of a PBS interview that aired on Friday.


Although he stressed that he was only speculating, a lawyer added that “given the circumstances, I believe they probably have the evidence that would confirm the box.”

Insider reached out to Trump’s spokesperson but he did not immediately reply.

This interview was recorded before the Justice Department’s latest developments in its probe into Trump’s handling government documents. Friday interview with Attorney General Merrick Garland Named a special counselTo take over Investigations into the former president.

Jack Smith is a retired federal prosecutor, who was registered to vote independently. He will lead investigations into the efforts to overturn 2020’s election as well as the documents Trump kept at Mar-a-Lago. 

Trump announced Tuesday that he will be launching plans to In 2024, run for presidentResponding to the appointment as a special counsel to Truth Social, he wrote that the Justice Department was full “Trump haters” calling it “disgraceful”.

Barr was once an ally of Trump and served as his attorney general between February 2019 and December 2020. After the 2020 election, Barr publicly stated that the Justice Department had not found any evidence of widespread fraud that could have affected the outcome. This was in direct contradiction to Trump’s claims. He resigned weeks later.

Barr continued to criticize Trump and said in September that the raid on Mar-a-Lago by the Justice Department was probable justified. Trump lashes outIn response, Barr was called a “weak RINO” or Republicans in Name Only.



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