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HomeBusinessBiggest Takeaways of Debate Between Ron DeSantis & Charlie Crist

Biggest Takeaways of Debate Between Ron DeSantis & Charlie Crist

  • Florida Gov. On Monday, Ron DeSantis debated Charlie Crist, a Democrat. 
  • They differed on issues such as abortion, immigration, education. 
  • DeSantis is the youngest governor in America. He also attacked Crist because of his age. 

FORT PIERCE, Florida —Republican Governor. Republican Gov. 

DeSantis is now a popular choice to run as president in 2024. ParticularlyIf Donald Trump is not elected again, it will be a disaster. Florida is a Republican state. They have 270,000 more registered Democrats than Florida has. DeSantis has significantly outraised Crist. He was a Republican governor from 2007 through 2011. 

Monday’s debate was Crist’s best chance to close the gap between DeSantis and Crist in polling. The audience cheered for both parties throughout the debate. The debate moderator, Liz Quirantes from CBS12, repeated her request that the audience not cheer but was ignored. 

These are the key takeaways from the Fort Pierce Theatre night. 

DeSantis was unsure if he would continue as governor for four more years. 

Crist accused DeSantis, during the debate, of being more motivated by his future ambitions that he was by his desire to become governor of Florida. Crist asked DeSantis direct if he would be willing to serve all four years. This was despite the fact that both candidates had agreed to discuss rules that prohibit them from asking each other questions. 

DeSantis stopped and asked the moderator if it was his turn to speak. 

“I’m sure Charlie wants to talk to Joe Biden about 2024. But let me be very clear: Charlie Crist, the only old donkey I want out to pasture, is the one that’s worn out.” He spoke.Refers to the symbol used by Democrats.

The retort did the opposite, deflecting the question while shaming President Joe Biden (who will be 80 in one month) and Crist (66). DeSantis, 44 years old, is America’s youngest governor. 

Crist attempted to steer the conversation toward abortion

Democrats are trying to reach voters following Roe v. Wade’s 1973 Supreme Court decision, which guaranteed a nation right to abortion. Crist is not an exception and has pledged to defend abortion rights. Several times he raised the issue of abortion rights during the debate, before the moderator inquired about it. 

Crist said to DeSantis, “You’re not talking about any other issues because you don’t want to talk about a women’s right to decide,” at one point. 

DeSantis signed this bill into law. This makes it illegalAfter 15 weeks of a pregnancy, you can have an abortion. He did not answer the question whether he would limit abortions further if he was given another term. 

Florida’s law being challenged in court 

DeSantis linked Crist to Biden 

DeSantis has not used Crist’s last name while on the campaign trail. On Monday, DeSantis referred to Biden’s policies on every aspect of economic and energy policy as the “Biden-Crist” policies. Crist, he stated, often voted for Biden.

Many in politics believe that the governor will run for the White House in 2024 because of DeSantis’s frequent criticisms. Trump also defeated Biden in Florida in 2016. Trump won the state in 2016. However, he made gains four years later. 

Monday’s rebuke to DeSantis by Crist was directed at him for focusing on the president. Crist has publicly supported Biden and is set to campaign alongside Crist in Florida on Nov 1. 

Crist was cast as a unifier 

Crist has Messaged him about his campaign similarly to the way Biden did in 2020 — framing himself as someone who is a unifier and has experience. His message is that DeSantis is a MAGA Republican. He believes he can defeat DeSantis in the same way that Biden defeated Trump. 

Crist described DeSantis throughout the debate as a “bully”. He referred to the time DeSantis instructed college students in March to remove their masks and “we have to stop with this covid theatre.”

Crist stated that “We know you love bullying people,” and the exchange went viral. 

DeSantis was accused of trying to “whitewash” the state’s approach towards education by limiting certain instruction about race and using migrants as “props to your political gain” when they were sent from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts. 

Crist stated, “Leadership must be about uniting people and not dividing them.” He talks all night about dividing us. It’s what He does. It’s your identity. It’s his purpose. 

Crist and DeSantis were not able to agree on the fact that Parkland gunman, who shot 17 people at a Florida high school, should have been executed. 



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