Wednesday, October 5, 2022
HomeAnimalsBehind this door at the Shipping Yard was a Pit Bull left...

Behind this door at the Shipping Yard was a Pit Bull left to fend for himself

Hope For Paws received a call about a pitbull who had been abandoned in a shipping yard and left alone to care for himself. A special bond was established when employees began feeding him every day. Alex and Katie arrived on the scene with food, speaking the dog’s love language. 🙂

Mack was such a sweet little boy. He walked alongside rescuers straight to the vehicle. He was not equipped with a microchip and was therefore scanned. It was then off to CARES, where he received a bath and a checkup. Mack was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate. This was easily treated by neutering, vaccinations, and a safe area to heal. Mack, a gentle giant, will never be abandoned again.

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