Tuesday, October 25, 2022
HomeAnimalsBarclay, the Golden Retriever, Friended a Duck and They Now Live Together

Barclay, the Golden Retriever, Friended a Duck and They Now Live Together

We have seen many heartwarming friendships between animals. There are likely many. You will find many interspecies friendships that are adorable and prove that humans can show compassion and inclusion.

Even with other species, animals can form deep bonds. And it’s adorable when they do. These connections can be seen in our own home as animal friendships.

Pam Ishiguro

Rudy, the duck, and Barclay, the golden retriever, are best friends in all ways. Even though the dog and duck have a peculiar bond that was largely fueled by food, it’s endearing to see them spending so much time together. Pam Ishiguro, Orange County, owns seven ducks including Rudy. She mentioned that her dog Barclay wasn’t really thrilled when she first bought the flock of ducks.

The dog was initially quite uninterested until he realized that being friends with ducks meant having unlimited food. Barclay likes the food that the ducks eat.

Pam Ishiguro

The duck is in love with the dog, no matter how they were brought together. Ishiguro pointed out that Rudy is more of an alpha duck and can be bossy about Barclay. But, the two are very compatible.

Ishiguro described their love-hate relationship as “love-hate”. One of them will always be following or leaping for the other. But when they’re apart, they’ll shout at each other. It sounds as if there are siblings involved. Watch video below

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