Saturday, October 8, 2022
HomeSportsArsenal v Tottenham: Can Arteta’s pressing stifle Conte’s build-up play? Who’ll win...

Arsenal v Tottenham: Can Arteta’s pressing stifle Conte’s build-up play? Who’ll win corner battle?

It’s been a while since the north London derby was a top-of-the-table clash. December 2007, to be precise — that’s nearly 15 years since either ArsenalOder TottenhamThey were at the top of the league when they entered the derby.

Arsenal’s gradual improvement under Mikel Arteta sees them top the table with 18 points, but one point behind them are Tottenham, whose recent resurrection owes to the arrival of Antonio Conte as head coach midway through last season.

Arteta, Conte and other coaches have instilled clear play styles. They are adding to their arsenal with the addition of specialist coaches and new players.

How can one team win the Saturday derby?

In this piece, The Athletic breaks down the game’s key tactical points…

Conte’s possession game is one area where the Italian has showcased his prowess throughout the years with different teams. He mainly depends on “automatisms” — training a certain move over and over and over again until the players know it by heart.

These built-up moves draw the opposition in, then slice through them making it look like a counter-attack when it’s not. Goals at home West Ham United Everton last season come to mind, but the best examples are Tottenham’s first and second away to Manchester City last February.



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