Thursday, October 20, 2022
HomeSportsArsenal improvement: Just how great are they?

Arsenal improvement: Just how great are they?

Arsenal’s place at the top of the Premier League after a quarter of the season is not a fluke. Let’s find out what explains Arsenal’s remarkable start.

Through the campaign’s first months, clear themes emerged. The Athletic has covered Arsenal’s improved control of games,Their press has become more unitedTheir importance is crucial Fluidity and positional rotationsIn possession They were quick to respond to conceding goalsTheir strength in attacking defensive set-pieces

These aspects have underpinned their strong played-10-won-nine record so far, but there remain some finer details that have kept them out of Manchester City’s reach…

Shot creation

Arsenal has seen a significant improvement in their ability to create shooting opportunities from last year.

They’ve ended games with at minimum 40% of their possessions being in a shot. This is compared to the rate of between 30-35 percent at the start last season.

Early in Mikel Arteta’s reign, Arsenal’s play was predictable and pedestrian.



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