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HomeScienceAre you a side- or back sleeper? Here are the Research Findings...

Are you a side- or back sleeper? Here are the Research Findings on ‘Optimal Sleep Positions – ScienceAlert

William Dement, an eminent Stanford University professor of sleep research, is reportedly the result of 50 years’ worth of research. He believes that the only reason we sleep is because we are sleepy.

One researcher found that sleep is not a good thing. PutIt is “the only major behavior that seeks a function”, and it clearly does MatterFor our health and well-being.

But is it correct? What can the research tell us about sleeping position?

Is there a proper position to sleep in?

Most people PreferTo sleep on their shoulders Side. This is a good thing, because those who lie on their backs are less likely to be honest. poor sleepersOr have breathing difficultiesDuring the night.

We tend to move around quite often at night in most cases. One studyThe 664 sleepers found that on average they spent 54% of their time lying down on their stomachs, 37% on their backs, and 7% on their front.

Males (especially those below 35 years old) are more restless than females. MorePosition shifts and arm, leg, and upper back movements during the night.

This could be a good thing. It’s generally a good idea for your body to move through the night.

Your body monitors any discomfort or pain you experience during sleep and adjusts your position accordingly. This is why most people avoid developing a condition called “sleep disorder”. bedsoresPressure ulcers (or pressure ulcers), in daily life.

You may need to switch sides or get a bigger bed if you are unable to move due your dog (or partner) taking up too much space in your bed.

Don’t be too tight; allow yourself to move freely on both sides.

It is important to be comfortable. There is no such thing as being comfortable. no quality researchThis provides clear evidence of an “optimal sleeping position”. All factors, including your age, weight, environment and activities, as well as whether or not you are pregnant. You can play a partWhat is the best position for your body to sleep?

Ideally, we will find a position that gives us good sleep and prevents us from waking up in pain.

Some layouts are better than others, even if we choose the best position. You can only have one. StudyPeople who slept in a position that rotated their spines (such as the unsupported side position) woke up feeling more pain the next morning.

Even though side-sleeping is not recommended for everyone, they are generally better than the other positions. There are other options.

Which pillow should I choose for my sleeping position?

For a restful night of sleep, it is important to select the right pillow.

Lack of neck support during sleep can cause severe problems. spineAlignment and Cause muscle problemsSuch as shoulder pain and neck pain. Stiffness in the muscles.

The pillow promises to be a great sleep partner. MaterialIt does not seem to have any effect on the spine. The shape and height of the pillow are important. You might find a U-shaped pillow helpful. Longer nights of sleepA roll-shaped pillow or a pillow with a roll shape can help reduce pain at night and morning. Chronic pain.

Science is still not able to answer the question of what is the? optimal mattress. This is because everyone sleeps differently so it would be difficult to compare the results over time.

There are also bad mattresses. You should consider replacing your mattress if your bed is showing signs of wear, such as sagging, loss of firmness, noisy springs or obvious wear.

Rotating your mattress can increase its durability and comfort. This should be done At leastOne to two times per calendar year.

Here are some other tips to help you sleep well.

A cooler room temperature is ideal. The ideal temperature to sleep is 18.3°C (ranging between 15-19°C); Higher temperatures can affect sleep.

Allow airflow to circulate in the room. This not only provides fresh, cool air but also eliminates any heat buildup, which keeps us comfortable. CoolDuring the night.

Some medications, including certain types antihistaminesIt can make it easier for you to go to sleep. However, stimulants like caffeineIt can greatly impact the QualitativeYou sleep.

Be sure to not go to sleep with your bladder full. This will cause you to wake up every morning. WeeSleep can be affected.The Conversation

Christian Moro, Associate Professor of Science & Medicine, Bond UniversityAnd Charlotte PhelpsDoctoral Student Bond University

This article has been republished from The ConversationUnder a Creative Commons License Please read the Original article.



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