Friday, September 23, 2022
HomeTechnologyApple listened and has changed iOS 16's battery icon

Apple listened and has changed iOS 16’s battery icon

The world has been looking at the earth since its inception. iOS 16’s reintroduced Indicator of battery percentageAt the beginning of last month, many people voiced strong opinions regarding the icon. Many, including Engadget Cherlyn Low, Deputy EditorIt was felt that Apple could have done better with it. In its current iteration, the icon remains static – displaying only a percentage – until your iPhone’s battery depletes below 20 percent capacity. It’s a design decision that makes the indicator less useful than it ought to be since in most cases you need to look closely to see how much battery you have left.

Apple is currently working on an improved icon. Apple has released iOS 16.1 beta 2. MacRumors). The update also introduces a new battery percentage indicator. Now, instead of the icon only turning red when your iPhone’s battery dips below 20 percent charge, it will also gradually deplete as the battery does. It’s a small change, but one that improves usability.

Beta 2 also adds a tweak to your lock screen. The battery percentage indicator will briefly display above the time after you plug your phone into charge. This is an iOS 15 feature. On the iPhone 14 Pro, you’ll also see one appear within the Dynamic Island. iOS 16 has yet to be released. We’ll also note here that Apple could further tweak some of the changes found in beta two.

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