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HomeBusinessAOC Declares US Is Facing Fascism with "Jim Crow" Era Voter Intimidation

AOC Declares US Is Facing Fascism with “Jim Crow” Era Voter Intimidation

  • AOC claimed that the US is suffering from fascism and voter intimidation similar to Jim Crow.
  • Rep. Ocasio Cortez, a Representative of the United States, stated that Americans should “strongly defend democracy” within the US as the midterms near.
  • Federal officials warned that violence threats could rise because of “perceptions about election-related fraud.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stated that the US is currently experiencing “an environment fascism” because some states are concerned about voter intimidation in early voting. 

Ocasio Cortez’s remarks on Friday were made after a federal judge ruled it was. It is acceptable for activists and others to observeAfter dropping your ballot, you can drop it off at the following address Reports of armed or masked personsMonitoring a ballot drop at Mesa, Arizona, last week. 

“We are truly facing an environment of fascism here in the United States of America.” This type of intimidation in the polls is what brings us to Jim Crow,” Ocasio Cortez told MSNBC. “All in With Chris Hayes”Friday, Rep. Jamie Raskin and Hayes will be having a conversation. 

She added, “It brings you back and harkens us back to a very special form of American apartheid not that long ago and which we have never fully healed.” “If we don’t defend democracy in America, these wounds could rip right back open,” she said.

Federal officials from the FBI and US Capitol Police warned on Friday that midterm elections could see an increase of threats. They did not specify specific threats. CNN

“Following the 2022 midterm election, perceptions of election-related fraud and dissatisfaction with electoral outcomes likely will result in heightened threats of violence against a broad range of targets―such as ideological opponents and election workers,” the bulletin from the federal officials said, per CNN.

Ocasio-Cortez also echoed this sentiment on MSNBC. She cited her experience listening in on testimonies during her time on the Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Subcommittee, House Committee on Oversight and Reform. 

Ocasio Cortez stated that there is no doubt that domestic terror originates from white nationalism, but he acknowledged that violence can also come from other parts of the political spectrum.

Two Arizona nonprofits sued Clean Elections USA, claiming that the group was encouraging violence and intimidation. The group had organized efforts to monitor ballot drop boxes across the nation in an attempt to prevent voter fraud. This lawsuit echos similar claims, but they were vastly disproven after the 2020 election. The New York Times

Judge Michael T. Liburdi stated that, while many voters were legitimately alarmed at the observation of drop boxes near drop boxes and there was no evidence that they had encouraged violence. However, the judge decided to keep the case open and accepted new evidence. 

Rep. Raskin, who appeared on MSNBC along with Ocasio-Cortez said that it is crucial that voters “show no fear.”

Raskin stated that the man in masks and cammo gear showing up to vote is part of history. “It’s really critical in this election that every voter understand all of the different  ways that they can vote in their state and that they do vote and they show no fear.”



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